Archives For Learner’s Mindset

As you can see from these images I now have a separate office space and many more options. More space is always a challenge because there is a tendency to add more. I fought off the urge or purchasing a new desk and have simply repurposed my existing desk and another small desk that was already in this space.

The hard work of the move and purge happens now. As I unpack I am realizing that I have WAY too many cables, accessories, and small items that “I just may use someday”. Before I put anything away I am disciplining myself to consolidate and eliminate what I don’t need. Instead of a keeping dozen USB A or C cables or iPhone cables, I am selecting the best cables of the most convenient lengths and will be giving away the rest.

This also means I am revisiting my entire setup. I have managed to reduce my lighting to one LED panel that is strategically placed and as I eliminate all the extra just-in-case stuff that I have accumulated I should have a wonderful lean and clean minimalist setup.

Research, surveys, and most people’s anecdotal experience would suggest that moving is one of the top five most stressful life events. Moving doesn’t have to be stressful and I argue that if you adopt a Learner’s Mindset it can be a wonderful learning opportunity and a significant opportunity for renewal and growth. I am speaking from years of experience so consider the following.

My landlord is selling his house and we now have to move. We have been in our current location for 8 years which is the longest time we have been in one home. All through this time, I lamented with my wife that we had grown complacent, collected too much stuff, and needed to move to help force us to adjust our lifestyle. The past 8 years have been a major shift from 2006-2013 when we moved 14 times which included moves to 7 different cities and also included moving to and from different countries. In our previous move from Edmonton to North Vancouver, everything we owned fit in a 10X20 container and this was in storage for nearly 8 months because we were staying at Whistler for the biking season and then house sat for a few months. When we finally moved to our house I recall selling and purging so many things from our storage container because I realized just how little we really needed.

This current move is only going to be for a year because we are once again house sitting for a friend so most of what we have will be in storage. This has given us the opportunity to once again purge and eliminate all the things that we just don’t need. My younger son is getting married this fall and is living in another part of the province. My other son is still off racing and this fall will be going to school for the next few years so life has significantly changed for my wife and me. Since I have a Learner’s Mindset I have tapped into my intrinsic capacity to learn and view all interactions with the world as learning and growth opportunities so this current move has been one of the most exciting and exhilarating times. We have purged, sold, and given away so many things that we just don’t need. We have the next year to lighten our load even more because our next move will require us to have even fewer possessions than we have now.

I am looking forward to the unpacking stage of this move because I know from previous experience I will be able to get rid of even more and par down my possessions to the minimum that I will need to continue to flourish and grow.

In Part 2 of this episode, Dr. Tilisa Thibodeaux shares her personal and professional challenges in adopting the Learner’s Mindset. Tilisa shares some of the challenges she faced in helping others in her team adopt the Learner’s Mindset.

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Dwayne Harapnuik —  March 16, 2022 — Leave a comment

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In LMD EP41, Personal Professional Learning vs Dependency Professional Learning Dr. Sue Bedard and I explore why we encourage a move from dependency professional learning (DPL) to personal professional learning (PPL). The move toward PPL is another more to fully igniting the Learner’s Mindset.

I have been exploring the benefits of self-directed or autodidactic learning for several decades and am continually excited to see the success stories of those who have taken full control of their learning.

The following links include a wide assortment of perspectives that can you used to either reinforce this notion of personal professional learning or to explore other aspects of learning that will augment this approach:

We Need More Autodidacts
The Shift from Engaging Students to Empowering Learners
Professional Learning Tips
Professional Learning
Professional Learning Plan
To Own Your Learning You MUST Use Higher-Order or Deeper Thinking
Applied Digital Learning
Applied Digital Learning Student Stories

One of the best ways to embrace personal professional learning is to continually seek out or emply authentic learning opportunities. Consider the following:

Authentic Learning Opportunities
Benefits of Life Long Authentic Learning Opportunities
Authentic Learning Leads to Authentic Adventures
Power of the Continual Practice of Authentic Learning
Why Authentic Learning Converts Into Lifelong Learning

LMD EP40 Moving Toward a Learner’s Mindset. In Part 1 of this episode, Dr. Tilisa Thibodeaux shares her personal and professional journey to adopting the Learner’s Mindset. Tilisa shares how she moved from the typical quick-fix mentality of choosing the quickest path of least resistance to embrace challenges as an opportunity to learn Recognizing failure and embracing the notion of failing forward by using higher-order thinking to evaluate and analyze what went wrong and to then synthesize the next steps are a pivotal part of putting on the lens of the Learner’s Mindset. In Part 2 of this discussion, Tilisa will explore some of the challenges she faced through her journey and how she now is sharing the Learner’s Mindset with her new audience.

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