Archives For Video – Wednesday Watchlist

Another amazing RSA animate enhanced talk.

Seth Godin argues the Internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes.

…if you really want to make a difference in the world, you have to design outcomes. And that’s design that matters.

Kirby Ferguson, creator of Everything is a Remix argues that Nothing is original. Ferguson states:

From Bob Dylan to Steve Jobs, our most celebrated creators both borrow, steal and transform.

If you look at the act of remixing music, writing or other artforms you will see that people are simply taking aspects or artifacts in their environment and shaping and moulding those items to construct their own understanding of reality. To a constructivist this is learning. To be more specific this fits into the the realm of social constructivism because music and other cultural artforms are aspects of our social networks that help shape and mould society. The great thinker and educational refromer John Dewey argued:

“constructivists do not look for copies or mirrorings of an outer reality in the human mind”, but instead they rather see humans as “observers, participants, and agents who actively generate and transform the patterns through which they construct the realities that fit them.

Is remixing equivalent to learning or is it simply imitation or plagiarism?