Archives For mLearning
The Future of Mobile Media and Communication in the year 2020 is visualizing the future vision of the MOCOM 2020 project. The trends, facts and thesis in this video are collected through an international crowdsourcing process and methodology at
The pre-release of the 2010 Horizon report is now available and ACU has two mentions in the prestigious report that looks to that identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, or creative inquiry on college and university campuses within the next five years.
This years report points to the following predictions:
Time-to-adoption: one Year or Less
- Mobile Computing
- Open Content
Time-to-adoption: Two to Three Years
- Electronic Books
- Simple Augmented Reality
Time-to-adoption: four to five Years
- Gesture-Based Computing
- Visual Data Analysis
While these predictions are interesting in themselves almost all except for the Visual Data Analysis all are somewhat or totally dependent on Mobile Learning.
More to come…
The full report will be released by the end of January.
The Morgan Stanley reports in the following three different formats can be accessed directly from their site.
- “The Mobile Internet Report Setup”– a 92-slide presentation that excerpts highlights of the key themes from the report
- “The Mobile Internet Report Key Themes” – a 659-slide presentation that drills down on thoughts covered in “The Mobile Internet Report”
- “The Mobile Internet Report” – a 424 page report which explores 8 major themes in depth and includes the two aforementioned slide presentations + related overview text
While I have only had the time to go through the smaller 95 slide report setup it looks like Morgan Stanley has done really good job at addressing the key issues with the mobile internet. I am looking forward to finding some extended time to have a thorough look at the full report.