Archives For Conferences

Clayton R. Wright has released his the 27th edition of the conference list. The list below covers selected events focused primarily on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2012 are complete as dates, locations, or URLs are not available for a number of events held after December 2012.

Educational Technology and Education Conferences June to December 2012 Clayton R Wright

Clayton R. Wright has released his the 24th edition of the conference list. The list below covers selected events focused primarily on the use of technology in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until December 2011 are complete as dates, locations, or URLs are not available for a number of events held after December 2011.

Clayton writes:

This potpourri of educational technology conferences includes gems such as “Saving Your Organization from Boring eLearning” and “Lessons and Insights from Ten eLearning Masters”. And, if you wish, you can “Be an Open Learning Hero”. You will also find that the number of mobile learning conferences (and conferences that have a mobile learning component) have increased significantly. Countries such as China, Indonesia, Japan, and Thailand have shown a keen interest in mobile learning.

Educational Technology & Related Education Conferences June to December 2011 crw

Clayton Wright has released his the 22nd edition of the conference list. It primarily covers January to June 2010, but also confirmed events after this time period. New additions have been made to December 2009.

Clayton writes:

You are receiving this list earlier than usual. Consequently, there are a number of conferences whose 2010 dates, locations, and urls are not available. Last fall, I was helping faculty in The Gambia and Sierra Leone design distance courses. Thus, due to limited Internet bandwidth in Africa and high access cost (see if you want to learn more about using technology in some countries), it took awhile to produce the list. So, the list was distributed in late December – too late for you to arrange to attend conferences scheduled for January. This year, I am assessing the distance education capacities of two institutions in southern Africa and decided to send out the list before I travel overseas. As a result, information was/is not available for a few conferences in May and June 2010. However, there are still more than 650 confirmed events listed in the attached – something for everyone!

View the list – Educational Technology & Ed Conferences Jan to June 2010 crw