Archives For September 2011

Wonderful explanation of peer instruction and moving away using a lecture as an information dump.

Marketing is Dead

Dwayne Harapnuik —  September 12, 2011 — Leave a comment

While the focus of this interesting post is creatives I think we may also apply this to academics and the academy itself. Let me explain. Hyatt makes that argument that most creative people like writers or other artists detest having to promote or market their work. He also points out that marketing has morphed into tribe building or more specifically marketing is no longer about:

…shouting in a crowded marketplace – It is about participating in a dialogue with fellow travelers.
…generating transactions – It is about building relationships.
…exploiting a market for your own benefit -It is about serving those who share your passion—for your mutual benefit

When you consider the students perspective on why Concordia is the place to be, detailed in the video: “Expect More From Concordia” one can clearly see that Concordia’s strength is in dialoguing with its learners, building relationships and ultimately serving its students, then tribe-building is the direction that Concordia should move toward with respect to marketing.

Hyatt points to Seth Godin’s book Tribes: We Need You To Lead Us in which Godin defines a tribe as

a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.

When you further consider that in order for a tribe to function you only need a shared interest and a way to communicate then tribe-building may be the most effective form of marketing for Concordia to undertake. With this type of strategy we can share who or what Concordia is–a passionate group of learners who prepare students to be independent thinkers, ethical leaders, reflective servants in their occupations. If we follow through on this mission then Concordia will be recognized nationally and internationally for its graduates’ knowledge, skill, integrity, and wisdom.

This is an exciting time to be part of Concordia… all the pieces are in place and we just have to bring it all together.

Read Michael Hyatts post…

The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to
irrigate deserts. — C.S. Lewis

Stimulating learning and ultimately helping people to grow is a a very worthy endevour.

Sandra Martin-Chang, professor in the Concordia (Montreal) Department of Education, research published in Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, reveals:

Although public school children we assessed were performing at or above expected levels for their ages, children who received structured homeschooling had superior test results compared to their peers: from a half-grade advantage in math to 2.2 grade levels in reading.

The investigation compared 74 children living in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: 37 who were homeschooled versus 37 who attended public schools.

Read the full report…