If someone needs directions, don’t give them a globe. It’ll merely waste their time. But if someone needs to understand the way things are, don’t give them a map. They don’t need directions; they need to see the big picture (Seth Godin, 2017 para. 1).

In order to fully understand what the CSLE+COVA framework is and how it can enhance and transform learning, you need to see the broader perspective of creating a significant learning environment (CSLE) in which we give the learner choice ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA).

The CSLE+COVA framework isn’t just a theoretical construct it provides the learning foundation for the Masters of Education in Digital Learning and Leading program and Masters of Education in Applied Digital Learning at Lamar University, is being used in the Lamar Honors College and several other programs at Lamar, is being used in the K-12 classrooms all across North America and is also being used to transform corporate learning environments.

We recommend that you use the following linked pages (traditional blue link text) in sequence but as you will see from the principles of COVA we leave that choice up to you:

CSLE+COVA – The synergy of creating significant learning environments by providing learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.

To benefit from the CSLE+COVA framework you must begin with a Change in Focus
You will find that these two videos (Part A – 7 min & Part B – 4 min) will help you to recognize how a simple change in focus can help you and your organization stay focused on helping your learners to realize their full potential and grow into future leaders who will help improve our world.

Creating Significant Learning Environment

Creating Significant Learning Environment

This short video (6 min) explains how important it is to look at the bigger picture when you are creating significant learning environments.

The short page and video (2 min) provides the overview and context for COVA and will help to reinforce how important it is to have choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.

CSLE+COVA Framework
The short page and video (2 min) provide the overview and context for CSLE+COVA.

Since people don’t buy into what you do but buy why you do the CSLE+COVA Why, How and What page and the short 4 Keys to CSLE+COVA (5 min) provide the foundational starting point about how to use technology to enhance learning.

How The CSLE+COVA framework is used as the foundation for the Masters of Digital Learning and Leading (DLL) and Applied Digital Learning (ADL) at Lamar University:

DLL Program Map & ADL Program Map
The DLL Program Map and ADP Program Maps pages and related videos (8 min) will give you a detailed explanation, and a visual representation of how the DLL and ADL programs works and how each of the courses works together to help you build, implement and measure an innovation plan that will help you succeed as a digital leader.

What to expect from the DLL & What to expect from the ADL
Constructivist hold that people learn by making meaningful connections between what they already know and what is new. Therefore, it is our hope that the What to Expect video (6 min) which compares and contrasts the CSLE+COVA to the traditional information transfer model will help you to understand how to deal with the differences you will experience in the DLL program

What you get from the DLL & What you get from the ADL
Since the DLL and ADL programs use authentic learning opportunities that are core to the constructivist CSLE+COVA approach this page points to all the authentic, plans, strategies, and related resources that you will create in the program.

Research that supports the CSLE+COVA Framework
We encourage everyone to always look at the research and supporting ideas and theories behind what you read. The CSLE+COVA and the DLL and ADL programs are based on well-established constructivist theories and research so we encourage you to explore these foundational ideas further.

Godin, S. (2017, January 8). Maps and globes [Blog]. Retrieved from http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2017/01/maps-and-globes.html

To better understand how the CSLE+COVA approach compares to traditional approaches, how it is used in the Masters of Digital Learning and Leading at Lamar University and to view the research supporting the approach consider the following:

Change in Focus
CSLE+COVA vs Traditional
Digital Learning & Leading
Applied Digital Learning