Power of Creating Podcasts

Dwayne Harapnuik —  September 1, 2021 — Leave a comment

Cult of Pedagogy Blog and Podcast Why You Should Bring Podcasts Into Your Classroom – https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/podcasts-in-the-classroom/

Joe Rogan Experience #1169 – Elon Musk – https://youtu.be/ycPr5-27vSI

I listen/watch to a very wide assortment of diverse perspectives on long-form discussions on Youtube or on Spotify. View my fully list – Reading, Watching, & Listening

I have been exploring the use of podcasts for many years as you can see from this 2010 post Do Podcasts Help Students Learn – Maybe This is the Wrong Question

The exciting part of doing an audio-only podcast is that all you need is a good mic and you are good to go. Consider the following post to help you choose a good mic – Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 5 Audio & Lighting Update

Dwayne Harapnuik

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