What I am Doing Now

What I am Doing Now

I am currently home with my family in North Vancouver which is the home of some of the best Mountain Biking in the world, it is early spring.

My Primary Professional Focus:

I create significant learning environments (CSLE) by giving learners choice ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA).

CSLE+COVA Discussions Youtube & Podcasts:

  • Dr. Thibodeax talk almost daily about ways to enhance the learning environment. Since most of our discussion happen over a Zoom connection (we live thousands of miles apart) we have decided to hit the record button and let you all in on our musings, speculating, and dreaming up new ways to enhance the learning environment by giving learners choice, ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities.
  • You can access these videos from the CSLE2COVA Youtube channel and our podcast versions of these discussions from CSLE+COVA SoundCloud.

Collaborative Writing Opportunities:

  • Are you getting tired of all the hype related to educational reform, educational technology, or the next big thing that will revolutionize education?  If so, then I would encourage you to join Dr. Thibodeax and I in looking at ways to cut through the hype of so many of these educational promises.  Take a few minutes to review the post How to cut through the hype of educational promises, review the list of topics near the end of the post, and let us know what you would like to write about and we will explore the best place to publish these insights.

COVA Professional Development Series:

  • Learner’s Mindset Workshop
  • Online/blended Learner’s Mindset PD courses

Articles in Progress:

  • COVA as Threshold Concepts
  • Research into Video Feedback/Feedforward
  • Student Perceptions on Authentic Learning
  • Moving from Constructivist Rhetoric to Practice

Books I am working on:

  • COVA eBook updates
  • Learners Mindset – editing stage

Research I am exploring:

  • COVA Communities of Practice (CoP) as a way to Promote STEM
  • COVA PD as a way to promote CoP effectiveness
  • 3rd phase of ePortfolio Persistence research
  • Exploring the use of Deliberate Practice in DownHill Mountain Bike Racing and Freeride

Revised December 07, 2019
I will be updating this page as things change or at a minimum on or around the first of each month.