EDLD 5305 Module 5

Change is a Process, Not an Event!

Course Outcome/Goal

Learners will identify technology innovations and embrace them as opportunities rather than challenges, recognizing that they can proactively use those changes as catalysts to enhance their organizations.

Module Outcome/Goal

After completing this module, learners will locate, evaluate, and compile web-based resources and identify experts and communities that will help them to promote current and future disruptive innovation opportunities.

Introduction Video

Change is a Process Not an Event

Communicating Your Ideas
Review the short post Are You An Innovative Educator? Here’s How to Find Out https://theinnovativeeducator.blogspot.com/2016/03/are-you-innovative-educator-heres-how.html and see if you really are an innovative educator or if your ideas significant enough. Are you communicating your innovation ideas well enough? John Kotter in the video Communicating a Vision for Change warns that we must be very diligent to not under-communicate or change vision or message.

John Kotter – Communicating a Vision for Change

Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions:

Are you really an innovative educator.
Are you creating a learning environment where your student’s work is meaningful and authentic? If not, why not?
Why is under communication such a significant mistake?
Why is it important to get communication out to people on a constant basis?
Consider Kotter’s admonition to use a wide assortment of technologies and vehicles to get the message out?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your participation grade.

Connecting and Communicating Your Ideas

Assignment Value: 150 points

Change is a constant we will face whether we choose to embrace it or not. Disruptive innovation will bring about opportunities for you to embrace change and proactively lead your organization in a positive direction, or—if you are simply reactive—can put you in a position of simply surviving the storms. The choice is yours.

Knowing what disruptive innovation is and what opportunities it provides are the first steps you need to take in order to be proactive and use change as a catalyst to enhance your organization. Learning lessons from leaders is one of the most effective ways to start your organization down the route of change—but it is only a start. Keeping abreast of the trends, research and literature will have to become part of your regular routine if you hope to be able to identify the next big thing on the horizon. Finally, as a change agent, you will need to continually educate those around you as to the opportunities that disruptive innovations bring.

As this course has progressed, you have been instructed to upload specific assignment information into a blog site. In this assignment, you will further develop your blog to use it as one of the tools that you will need to rely on to effectively communicate your plans and ideas for change.


Using the video that you created as a starting point, continue shaping and molding a message to motivate and inspire your organization to take advantage of the opportunity that you have identified in your innovation planning. Since this assignment is part of the course outcome of identifying technology innovations, embracing them as opportunities rather than challenges, and recognizing that they can proactively be used as catalysts to enhance your learning environment and organization you will need to write a final blog post that will:

Articulate your vision for how you will continue to recognize and leverage the opportunities that innovations offer and how you can help transform your organization.
Provide an overview of your final innovation plan, connect and present your innovation proposal, literature review, implementation outline, video and all the other resources that you have created to provide encouragement for your organization to help move from reaction to pro-action.
Identify and annotate a list of books, articles, and resources you would like to read to help you and your organization take advantage of all the • opportunities that educational technology can offer.
Ensure that the content of your blog is easy to follow and that you have a good navigational structure to make it easy for your user find what they need.

Continue to experiment with different templates, plug-ins, and related technologies to enhance your site.

Submission Details:

This assignment must take the form of post or a page on your ePortfolio. Submit the full post/page URL using the provided document template: Assignment5-EDLD5305-Submission.docx Click for more options

Download the document template,
Post the URL into the space at the top of the document template,
Add your name to the document,
Rename the file with your name and assignment identifier
Upload the file to Blackboard by or before the deadline.

The School of Education is using this submission process in its online courses for two reasons:

We wish to provide you an offine copy of the assignment instructions that you can refer to.
We want to ensure there is a consistent and permanent record of assignment submissions that can efficiently be converted to hard copy.


You can use a document, Google doc, presentation, video, infographic, blog post or any other format to present your ideas to your audience.
Use the APA format to cite your sources.
Use the assignment name, your last name and first initial (assignment name + last name + first initial) to label your assignment submission.

EDLD 5305 Innovation Plan
EDLD 5305 Module 1
EDLD 5305 Module 2
EDLD 5305 Module 3
EDLD 5305 Module 4
EDLD 5305 Module 5