ADL/EDLD 5317 Goal & 3 Column Table

Course Goal
Learners will analyze and evaluate a variety of digital resources and digital learning environments and share how those digital resources and environments can be effectively used to enhance learning.

Learning Outcomes
Aligning learning outcomes with activities and assessment:

Outcomes Activities Assessment
Foundational/Human Dimension

Learners will research and evaluate current and future trends in educational technology to determine how to effectively use educational technology to enhance learning.

Review the past, present, and future of educational technology.

Research significant educational technology reports, models, and resources.

Develop an outline for a publication to showcase the application of the digital resource or a project in which the resource was used.



Learners will explore and evaluate digital resources used for collaborating, sharing, and accessing data over the internet.

Research journals or online publications to keep relevant in the field. Develop a rough draft for a publication to showcase the application of the digital resource or a project in which the resource was used.



Learners will explore and evaluate media resources to assess the most effective way to communicate ideas.

Research and experiment using media software programs in digital environments. Design a media presentation (podcast or long-form video) to showcase the application of the digital resource or a project in which the resource was used.

Peer Review – Media Presentation


Learning How to Learn/Care

Learners will compile digital resources that will help them to organize and present their ideas to influence others and reinforce their digital presence.

Research and experiment using media software programs in digital environments. Develop a final draft for submission to showcase the application of the digital resource or a project in which the resource was used.

Reflect on the proposal process.



Revised on August 2021