This is a long-form discussion between Bjorn Lomborg and Jordon Peterson. If you enjoyed Steven Pinker’s book Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress or Hans Rosling book, Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World – and Why Things Are Better Than You Think then you will really appreciate Lomborg and Peterson’s discussion about Lomborg’s newest book False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet. Lomborg acknowledges that we do have a challenge with climate change but points to a variety of options of addressing these challenges in a much more productive and financially feasible manner.

So refreshing to hear reasonable climate options and suggestions rather than more alarmism or denial. I often refer to myself as a delusional optimist but when you refer to these authors and their research I may not be that overly optimistic. I still believe we live in the most amazing time to be a learner.

Tech Infusion Workshop
If there is one significant lesson that educators can learn from the COVID pandemic it is that shifting to virtual teaching or remote teaching without a plan or preparation was hard at best and more chaotic for students, teachers, and families than anyone could have predicted.

With the dispersion of vaccines, we are now hearing about a potential resumption of school this coming fall of 2021. But, once schools return to traditional face-to-face attendance, will they revert to pre-COVID norms? Perhaps this past year of reactive remote learning will help school leaders to recognize that we need to be proactive and leverage technology to reshape their schools and transform student learning outcomes in the process.

The question we need to address is how do we go from hard pivot to seamless integration? The following are links to articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, TED Talks, and books that were used or referenced in my session for the School Leadership Progress & Innovation Series at Governors State University.

Workshop Slides, Resources & PDFs

Free COVA eBook

Context & Why

No Quick Fix

Technology – No Significant Difference

Learner’s Mindset & Assessment As Learning

Connecting the Dots vs Collecting the Dots

Change in Focus Part A

Links to Authentic Learning & CSLE+COVA posts:
I have been advocating authentic learning or project-based learning and creating significant learning environments for decades both professionally and personally. Talking the talk as an academic takes on a much more significant perspective when you walk the walk in your personal life.

Creating Significant Learning Environments

The CLSE+COVA section of this site is also a great starting place to see how to create a significant learning environment by giving your learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.

I want more information and help on how to use the Learner’s Mindset to enable critical thinkers, real-world problem solvers, and lifelong learners!

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Great video overview of Thomas Sowell’s book Intellectuals and Society. Sowell explains how intellectuals have misguided the public in the past and how they’re still doing it in the present. He also explains why intellectuals feel the need to step into areas where they don’t have enough expertise.