Search Results For "BHAG"

ADL Course Goals

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 9, 2021

ADL courses and their Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG):

EDLD 5302
Learners will take ownership and agency over the learning process and incorporate choice and voice in designing authentic projects that use technology innovation as a catalyst for change in their organizations.

EDLD 5303
Learners will create an ePortfolio to share their work, reflect on their growth, and develop their voice.

EDLD 5304
Learners will apply leadership theories and practices to become self-differentiated leaders who can address the inevitable resistance to change that will occur when launching innovative digital learning initiatives.

EDLD 5305
Learners will explore technology innovations and embrace them as opportunities rather than challenges and proactively use those changes as catalysts to enhance their institution or district’s learning environments.

EDLD 5313
Learners will identify and incorporate constructivist theories to create and implement significant digital learning environments.

EDLD 5315
Learners will be able to assess the instructional impact the implementation of their innovation plans have on creating effective digital learning environments.

EDLD 5317
Learners will examine a variety of digital environments and other digital resources to effectively communicate with others the practical implementation and the pedagogical value for educational use.

EDLD 5318
Students will apply constructivist learning theories and instructional design principles in the development and delivery of an online course utilizing significant learning environments through selected course management tools.

EDLD 5389
Learners will effectively apply an innovative teaching practice by collaborating with colleagues to evaluate their impact on learners and design and model authentic professional learning (PL) activities that are active, have a significant duration, and are specific to their discipline.

EDLD 5320
Learners will synthesize their knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values gained through their digital learning and leadership experiences and present a comprehensive plan on how they developed into digital learners and leaders that can identify and promote innovation, create significant digital learning environments, and lead organizational change.

ADL links:
Applied Digital Learning
DLL Evolves to ADL
ADL Why & Principles
Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning
ADL Program Map
What You Get From the ADL
How to Succeed in the ADL
ADL Course Goals
ADL Tips & Perspectives

Revised on August 16, 2021

EDLD 5389 Module 5

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 1, 2020

WEEK 5: Connecting and Communicating your Ideas

The more input you receive on your PL Strategy the more effective it will be.

Learning Outcomes

Course Outcome/Goal
Learners will effectively apply an innovative teaching practice by collaborating with colleagues to evaluate their impact on learners and design and model authentic professional learning (PL) activities that are active, have a significant duration, and are specific to their discipline.

Module Outcome/Goal

After completing this module learners will be able to locate, evaluate and compile web-based resources, experts and communities that will help them to develop and deploy effective digital professional learning.

Introduction Video

Collegial Feedback: Collaborative Discussion

By this point in the course and in the program, you should be accustomed to sharing your work and seeking feedback from your colleagues/classmates.

Share your PL strategy with your colleagues/classmates and seek their input on how well you have addressed the overarching components of your strategy:

  • The 5 key principles of effective PL:
    1. The duration of professional learning must be significant and ongoing to allow time for teachers to learn a new strategy and grapple with the implementation problem.
    2. There must be ongoing support for a teacher during the implementation stage that addresses the specific challenges of changing classroom practice.
    3. Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive, but rather should engage teachers through varied approaches so they can participate actively in making sense of a new practice.
    4. Modeling has been found to be highly effective in helping teachers understand a new practice.
    5. The content presented to teachers shouldn’t be generic, but instead specific to the discipline (for middle school and high school teachers) or grade-level (for elementary school teachers).
  • Go and show/Alt PL presentation
  • PL Outline/blueprint
  • Audience and their needs
  • How will you foster collaboration and effective modeling?
  • How will you foster self-directed learning?
  • Who will lead what sections?
  • BHAG & 3 Column Table or UbD Template
  • Schedule/timeline
  • PL sessions slide deck(s)
  • Resources you will need (articles, handouts, etc.)
  • This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

Connecting and communicating your ideas

Assignment Value: 200 points

Organize and present ALL the components of your PL Strategy as a cohesive section of your portfolio. This page or section of your ePortfolio will become a resource for the participants in your PL strategy so ensure that you create an organizational and navigational structure that connects all the components and clearly demonstrates that all the pieces fit into a bigger strategy or approach.

At minimum your PL strategy should include or address:

  • The 5 key principles of effective PL:
    1. The duration of professional learning must be significant and ongoing to allow time for teachers to learn a new strategy and grapple with the implementation problem.
    2. There must be ongoing support for a teacher during the implementation stage that addresses the specific challenges of changing classroom practice.
    3. Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive, but rather should engage teachers through varied approaches so they can participate actively in making sense of a new practice.
    4. Modeling has been found to be highly effective in helping teachers understand a new practice.
    5. The content presented to teachers shouldn’t be generic, but instead specific to the discipline (for middle school and high school teachers) or grade-level (for elementary school teachers).
  • Go and show/Alt PL presentation
  • PL Outline/blueprint
  • Audience and their needs
  • How will you foster collaboration and effective modeling?
  • How will you foster self-directed learning?
  • Who will lead what sections?
  • BHAG & 3 Column Table or UbD Template
  • Schedule/timeline
  • PL sessions slide deck(s)
  • Resources you will need (articles, handouts, etc.)
  • This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

Please remember – this assignment is unique to you, your circumstances, and your organization so you need to determine who your audience is, why and how they will use this information, and what impact you are looking to make.

Submission Details:

Even though your evidence of learning for this assignment may take the form of a Google document, video, presentation, blog post or other digital format to submit the assignment URL you will be required to use the provided document template: Assignment 3-EDLD5389-Submission.docx

  • Download the document template,
  • Past the URL into the space at the top of the document template,
  • Add your name to the document,
  • Rename the file with your name and assignment identifier
  • Upload the file to Blackboard by or before the deadline.

The School of Education is using this submission process in its online courses for two reasons:

  1. We wish to provide you an offline copy of the assignment instructions that you can refer to.
  2. We want to ensure there is a consistent and permanent record of assignment submissions that can efficiently be converted to hard copy.


  • You can use a document, Google doc, presentation, video, infographic, blog post or any other format to present your ideas to your audience.
  • Use the APA format to cite your sources.
  • Use the assignment name, your last name and first initial (assignment name + last name + first initial) to label your assignment submission.

Add to ePortfolio:

Since this assignment is part of the course outcome of identifying technology innovations, embracing them as opportunities rather than challenges, and recognizing that they can proactively be used as catalysts to enhance your learning environment and organization you will also need to add this to your ePortfolio. In the final module, you will be required to consolidate all the course assignments into a cohesive section on your ePortfolio, so we recommend that you add this to your ePortfolio as you go along rather than wait until the end.

EDLD 5389 Developing Effective PL
EDLD 5389 Module 1
EDLD 5389 Module 2
EDLD 5389 Module 3
EDLD 5389 Module 4
EDLD 5389 Module 5

EDLD 5389 Module 3

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 1, 2020

WEEK 3: Planning the Go & Show PL

Research is clear, the sit and get or one shot workshops that are so typical do little to change practice. In contrast, the more intense and long term the professional learning for teachers the greater the student achievement gains.

Learning Outcomes

Course Outcome/Goal
Learners will effectively apply an innovative teaching practice by collaborating with colleagues to evaluate their impact on learners and design and model authentic professional learning (PL) activities that are active, have a significant duration, and are specific to their discipline.

Module Outcome/Goal
After completing this module, learners will be able to:

  • identify and develop authentic PL that is specific to their discipline, their classroom, program or other specific circumstances.
  • develop PL resources to support their PL plan.

Introduction Video

Required Readings

Wei, R. C., Darling-Hammond, L., Andree, A., Richardson, N., & Orphanos, S. (2009). Professional Learning in the Learning Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the U.S. and Abroad. Technical Report. National Staff Development Council. Retrieved from

CASE STUDY REPORT Ottawa Catholic School Board Leading and learning for innovation: A Framework for District-Wide Change (includes links to and overview, videos, and the final report)

Professional Learning: Collaborative Discussion

In this assignment, you are to view the video Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Risk Taking and reflect on your reading of Professional Learning in the Learning Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the U.S. and Abroad. Technical Report, then participate in a discussion with your colleagues. This discussion will also help you to verify or vet the ideas that you plan to use in the course assignments.

Innovation That Sticks Case Study – OCSB: Risk-Taking


Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions:

  • What does it mean to be comfortable with being uncomfortable?
  • What does it mean to listen to the student and take their lead and to be co-learners with your students?
  • How does collaboration help with being uncomfortable, listening and taking the lead from the learner?
  • What is the role of mistakes or failure in your’s and your student’s learning?
  • Why is it important to view your student’s support and collaboration as an augmentation to your skills and abilities.
  • Why is it so important to emphasize lifelong learning, personal learning and learning along with the growth mindset and risk-taking?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

Planning the Alternative PL Assignment

Assignment Value: 100 points

In this module, you have the opportunity to plan your alternative PL that will enable your colleagues to go and show how to move the ideas from your innovation plan forward and ultimately help create significant learning environments that will use technology to enhance learning. Please remember that the PL plan and resources that you design and develop are authentic and will be unique to your circumstances.


From the ALL assigned module readings, ALL the weekly discussions, and from your supporting research create an alternative PL Plan Outline that will provide the overview or guidelines for the PL development that you need to support your innovation plan. This is the outline view of your PL plans and should be used to identify all the key components that you will need to address and develop in your fully developed plan that you will share through your ePortfolio in Week 5.

At minimum your PL Plan Outline must briefly address the following questions or points:

    • How will incorporate the 5 key principles of effective PD into your plan:
      1. The duration of professional learning must be significant and ongoing to allow time for teachers to learn a new strategy and grapple with the implementation problem. Ongoing support.
      2. There must be support for a teacher during the implementation stage that addresses the specific challenges of changing classroom practice.
      3. Teachers’ initial exposure to a concept should not be passive, but rather should engage teachers through varied approaches so they can participate actively in making sense of a new practice.
      4. Modeling has been found to be highly effective in helping teachers understand a new practice.
      5. The content presented to teachers shouldn’t be generic, but instead specific to the discipline (for middle school and high school teachers) or grade-level (for elementary school teachers).
    • How will you foster collaboration?
    • Who will lead what components?
    • Audience and their needs
    • Instructional Design of your PL (will you use BHAG & 3 Column Table or UbD Template or something else)
    • Schedule/timeline
    • Types of resources you will need

While the format of your plan is entirely up to you, we do encourage you to consider a format that can be easily updated, revised, and re-purposed.

Please remember – This assignment is unique to you, your circumstances, and your organization so you need to determine who your audience is, why and how they will use this information, and what impact you are looking to make.

Submission Details:

Even though your evidence of learning for this assignment may take the form of a Google document, video, presentation, blog post or other digital format to submit the assignment URL you will be required to use the provided document template: Assignment 2-EDLD5389-Submission.docx

  • Download the document template,
  • Past the URL into the space at the top of the document template,
  • Add your name to the document,
  • Rename the file with your name and assignment identifier
  • Upload the file to Blackboard by or before the deadline.

The School of Education is using this submission process in its online courses for two reasons:

  1. We wish to provide you an offline copy of the assignment instructions that you can refer to.
  2. We want to ensure there is a consistent and permanent record of assignment submissions that can efficiently be converted to hard copy.


  • You can use a document, Google doc, presentation, video, infographic, blog post or any other format to present your ideas to your audience.
  • Use the APA format to cite your sources.
  • Use the assignment name, your last name and first initial (assignment name + last name + first initial) to label your assignment submission.

Add to ePortfolio:

Since this assignment is part of the course outcome of identifying technology innovations, embracing them as opportunities rather than challenges, and recognizing that they can proactively be used as catalysts to enhance your learning environment and organization you will also need to add this to your ePortfolio. In the final module, you will be required to consolidate all the course assignments into a cohesive section on your ePortfolio, so we recommend that you add this to your ePortfolio as you go along rather than wait until the end.

EDLD 5389 Developing Effective PL
EDLD 5389 Module 1
EDLD 5389 Module 2
EDLD 5389 Module 3
EDLD 5389 Module 4
EDLD 5389 Module 5

EDLD 5389 Module 1

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 1, 2020

WEEK 1: Identifying What Really Works

There are key principles that will lead to effective teacher professional learning and ultimately an improvement to our learning environments and learners’ achievement.

Learning Outcomes

Course Outcome/Goal
Learners will effectively apply an innovative teaching practice by collaborating with colleagues to evaluate their impact on learners and design and model authentic professional learning (PL) activities that are active, have a significant duration, and are specific to their discipline.

Module Outcome/Goal
After completing this module, learners will:

  • explore and analyze why examining their thinking and talking with other teachers about the impact the learning environments that they have created is one of the most important things they can do to improve their learner’s achievement.
  • identify and access the challenges with existing PL efforts and identify and access the key principles that make up effective PL.

Introduction Video

Required Readings:

Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from

Heather Hill. (2015). Review of The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth about Our Quest for Teacher Development. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved from

Standards for Professional Learning. (2011). Retrieved from

Standards for Professional Learning: Quick Reference Guide. (2011). Retrieved from

TNTP. (2015). The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development. Retrieved from

What really works? Collaborative Discussion

In this assignment, you are to view the video, Empowering the teacher technophobe: Kristin Daniels at TEDxBurnsvilleED, reflect on your reading of the Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability, The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth About Our Quest for Teacher Development, and Review of The Mirage: Confronting the Hard Truth about Our Quest for Teacher Development then participate in a discussion with your colleagues. This discussion will also help you to verify or vet the ideas that you plan to use in the course’s assignments.

Empowering the teacher technophobe: Kristin Daniels at TEDxBurnsvilleED


Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions:

  • Why is most PL so ineffective?
  • Which teacher type do you identify with the most? What about your colleagues at your organization?
  • The Mirage report indicates plenty of money is being spent on PL – where are your PL dollars being spent?
  • If effectively implemented, how will the 5 principles of PL make a difference? Consider the duration factor and how much time is really required for effective learning.
  • How open is your organization to alternative approaches to development?
  • How can you promote this alternative form of PL to your organization?
  • We had you read a review of the Mirage report – why is this important?
  • Why should you be familiar with Standards for Professional Learning and their Quick Reference Guide?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be accessed as part of your course participation grade.

Week 1 Assignment Overview

In 5305 you were asked to review the literature on educational technology and disruptive innovation to look for trends and patterns that would help you to identify and propose an innovation project. In 5304 you created a plan for dealing with the cultural aspects of organizational change and also developed a 4DX plan as a foundation for your innovation plan implementation strategy. In 5313 you were asked to explore how creating significant learning environments would help you bring about a new culture of learning. In this course you will plan and develop a professional learning activity that will your colleagues participate in your innovation strategy.

From the assigned module readings, case studies, the weekly discussions, and from your supporting research you will create 3 separate but related resources:

  1. A presentation that will point to and convince your administration and colleagues for the need for alternative PL. (due week 2);
  2. A PL Planning Outline/Guideline that includes drafts of (due week 3):
    1. PL Overview/Outline
    2. Schedule/timeline
  3. A finalized PL Plan & Resources (due week 5):
    1. Audience and their needs
    2. How will you foster collaboration?
    3. Who will lead/implement what sections?
    4. BHAG & 3 Column Table/UbD
    5. PL Overview/Outline
    6. Schedule/timeline
    7. PL slide deck
    8. PL Outline/blueprintPL Resources (slides, articles, handouts, etc.)

EDLD 5389 Developing Effective PL
EDLD 5389 Module 1
EDLD 5389 Module 2
EDLD 5389 Module 3
EDLD 5389 Module 4
EDLD 5389 Module 5

EDLD 5313 Perspectives

Dwayne Harapnuik —  November 16, 2017

How to Succeed in the DLL
If you haven’t already reviewed this page and the related links you owe it to yourself to spend the 30 minutes that it will take to see how to really do well in the DLL.

New Culture of Learning
Creating Learning Significant Environment – EDLD 5313 Week 1 Assign Tips

Significant Learning Environments – exploring the power of an authentic learning environment.

Organic Learning – we need to create the environment in which the learner can do the learning, grow and flourish.

Opening Up Spaces for Answers – Why we run EDLD 5305 the course on innovation planning before we run EDLD 5313, the course on creating significant learning environments

The Power of Constraints – When combined with choice, constraints can be very powerful tools.

Learning Philosophy
Learning Philosophy – EDLD 5313 Week 2 Assign Tips

Four keys to understanding learning theories – Regardless of where you land in your thinking about learning the fact that you are thinking about learning and how learning works means that your learners will benefit.

Are you preparing them for real life or just the test – the power of authentic learning opportunities

Piaget’s Key Implications for Learning – Excerpts from one of the original constructivists that support the CSLE+COVA approach

Foster Inquisitiveness Rather than Rebuild It – When we focus on the right answers instead of starting with questions we not only extinguish our learner’s ability to question, inquire and innovate we create an environment of rewards and punishment that fosters fear in the learner when they aren’t able to regurgitate the right answer.

What are the best ways to study for the test? Read this review from Scientific American to see which techniques accelerate information retention and which techniques are just a waste of time. While the introduction to the article suggests that the focus is on learning the reality is this article focuses on how to improve information transfer and test achievement. Unfortunately, some folks equate this with learning–but it is not.

This Will Make You Rethink Learning Styles Research shows that learning styles DO NOT exist yet many too educators are wrongly inclined to believe that they do.

Aligning Outcomes Activities & Assessment – EDLD 5313 Week 3 Assign Tips

EDLD 5313 Week 4 UbD Assignment Tips Mar 2019

4 Keys to aligning outcomes activities & assessment – There is an easy way and a difficult way to work through Fink’s taxonomy and the 3 column table – please take my advice and use this post and use the easy way.

Mapping Your Learner’s Journey – It is our responsibility to guide our learners through their personal development journey and help them take ownership of their learning.

Why Create Significant Learning Environments – Are you looking at the bigger picture or have you intellectually stepped far enough back to see the full learning environment?

Why you need a BHAG to design learning environments – Use a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) to help define a visionary type goal that is more strategic and emotionally compelling rather than being simply tactical.

Why You Need to Rethink Your Role as an Educator – If you really don’t want to be replaced by an inspirational robot then you need to not only talk the talk of Dewey but walk the walk.

Difference Between “Doing Projects” and “Project Based Learning” – Project-based learning is very powerful but we tend to limit its impact by focusing on just doing projects.

DLL Program Map – How we have created a significant learning environment in the DLL program and in your courses.

Review the CLSE+COVA Resources on this site:


How to Grow a Growth Mindset – You need more than just belief and action you need to change the environment

COVA+CSLE Mindset vs Traditional – Comparison of the COVA+CSLE Mindset and Motivation with the Traditional Teacher-Centered Approach

Mindset – Overview of Dweck book, site, and related videos and resources

Fixed Vs Growth Mindset = Print Vs Digital Information Age – This notion of adapting to a constantly changing environment is also important when we consider our move from a static print information age to the dynamic digital information age.