Archives For website

It looks like we are almost at the point of moving forward with a template look for our main page and secondary pages. The following main page image image incorporates the layout, colors and general feel of our main page. Remember the labels, headings and specific images etc. are items that we will be able to change and once we do some usability testing.

We have the following two variations of our secondary landing pages. The images can be replaced with an image that is appropriate for your area and we will be looking at how we can easily update these images and headers on a regular basis.

Rev 3a

Please use the following poll to select your secondary landing page preference. I also appreciate your comments.

[polldaddy poll=”5903469″]

Please consider the wording for the sections of the site in the examples below as placeholders. We will be conducting user group testing to determine the best wording for the site. What we are looking to affirm is the general layout and look of the site.

Rev 2a

Rev 2b

[polldaddy poll=”5875034″]

We are also looking for your comments on the Math Department Concept page:

Math Department Concept Page

Sample 1

Sample 1



Sample 2

Sample 2



Sample 3

Sample 3



[polldaddy poll=5830314]

The following video captures the essence of what building and and maintaining an academic website involves:

This image represents the challenge that we most institutions face. Most often what goes on the front page of the website doesn’t really reflect what people are really looking for when they go to your institutions website.

Over the next few weeks and months Concordia will be facing the challenge of building our website while it is currently up and running. We will also face the challenge of deciding what we need to place on our main website as well as the main pages for the departmental or program sites. The exciting part of this process is that we will be bringing together faculty and staff from all parts of this University to work together to develop a site that will be useful for all users.