Search Results For "disruptive innovation"

EDLD 5305 Module 2

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 9, 2019

Picking Your Line – Where Does The Data Suggest We Need To Go

Determining what the literature, research, and data point to as the next disruptive innovation will enable you to proactively leverage the disruptive innovation rather than reactively respond to its effects.

Course Outcome/Goal

Learners will identify technology innovations and embrace them as opportunities rather than challenges, recognizing that they can proactively use those changes as catalysts to enhance their organizations.

Module Outcome/Goal

After completing this module, you should be able to identify, analyze, and evaluate current and potential examples of disruptive innovations.

Introduction Video

Picking Your Line


Required Readings

2017 – 2012 Horizon Reports – view from Select the report type appropriate to your interests or organization.
Meeker’s 2018 Internet Trends Report
Meeker’s 2017 Internet Trends Report
Meeker’s 2016 Internet Trends Report
Meeker’s 2015 Internet Trends Report
Meeker’s 2014 Internet Trends Report
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2017 & 2017 Student and Faculty Technology Research Studies Please note that this is the main ECAR 2017 Studies archive where you will find the Undergraduate Students and Information Technology studies, Faculty studies, Infographic and much more.
2016 Students and Technology Research Study
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2015
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2014
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2013
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2012

The list of readings for this module was set up to be purposely overwhelming because you need to be aware of just how much information is available and, more importantly, you need to learn to glean what is valuable and what is not. If you have been following educational technology literature for many years, then you will not be overwhelmed with all this reading, because you will have read each of the reports when they were published. If you are new to the discipline, then you have a bit of catching up to do.

Ideally, you do want to read all the material, but given the time constraints of this course and the fact that you all have lives, I suggest that you look to your class colleagues to share the load of reading and devise a plan to distribute the reading load and to at least look at the following in detail.

At minimum, read the most recent years of the Horizon Report, and then read the Executive summaries, Technologies to Watch, Critical Challenges and Significant Trends sections of the earlier reports. Look for patterns and also critically assess how accurate the earlier reports have been. Compare the predictions and claims of the Horizon Reports with that data in the Internet Trends Report (at minimum, use the report summary). Read the most recent ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, and review the Key Findings of the previous two studies to identify patterns that will point to disruptive innovations and compare to the Horizon and Meeker reports.

Introducing Your ePortfolio/Blog Site

This is an opportunity for you to share your blog URL with the rest of the class.

Copy and paste your blog URL in the subject box of a reply thread at the bottom of this page.

Visit at least 3-5 of your classmates sites. Post a reaction to any of the items that are relevant to this course and which you find interesting.

Progressive Education Discussions

The call for change or reform in education is not new. View the following video, which presents a positive view of progressive education, although it begins with a parent complaining that children are not learning the fundamentals.

Progressive Education in the 1940s

Review the blog post People who like this stuff… like this stuff ( and consider why people are resistant to change and what can be done about this resistance.


Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions.

If you were to close your eyes and simply listen to the language, could you recognize some of the same verbiage used today?
As much as things change, they also seem to stay the same.
Why haven’t we seen more significant change in education?
Consider the People who like this stuff… post. Does it apply to your organization?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

Literature Review

Assignment Value: 150 points

The Internet age has brought about an overabundance of literature on almost every subject. The challenge is no longer finding the information but being able to sift through enormous amounts of information and assess what is valuable and what is not. When you are looking for trends it is important to find longitudinal research and reports that help you identify patterns or trends that will reveal which innovations are truly disruptive.


From the assigned module readings, compile a literature review that supports your innovation plan and that will help you share what you have learned with your colleagues and community. You will want to have a minimum of 10-12 citations in your literature review so you will need to supplement your readings with a minimum of 5 or more additional articles that point to technologies trends and reference these additional articles in your literature review.

We encourage you to use the traditional document format that can easily be updated and prepared for a potential article submission. The most important aspect of the literature review is to identify who your audience will be and why and how they will use the material. This literature review must be used to help identify innovation opportunities and support the innovation plan and implementation outline that you will develop in this course.

Academic writing is a rule-based process so please refer to and use:

Simple Writing Rules_rev6.pdf

The Literature Review is a well-established form of academic writing so review the following resources from the Purdue Online Writing Lab:

Literature Review definition –
Literature Review overview –
APA Formatting and Styleguide –

The following templates can be used to guide your document formatting. Regardless of what template you use you must still refer to the APA guidelines to make sure that you work follows the APA standards.

APA Template doc – APA template doc.docx
Literature Review Template – Literature_Review_Template30564.pdf

The literature review is due on the third Sunday of the course so you have two weeks to complete your work. The most important part of the writing process is editing so make sure you get a different set of eyes (another person) to help you edit your work.

Submission Details:

This assignment is unique to you, your circumstances, and your organization so you need to determine who your audience is, why and how they will use this information, and what impact you are looking to make. Since you own this assignment, and more importantly the ideas within the assignment, you need to choose how you will format and present this information. Refer to Who Owns the Eportfolio – for a more detailed explanation of idea ownership.

Even though your assignment may take the form of a Google document, Word or Pages document, blog post or other digital format to submit the assignment URL you will be required to use the provided document template: Assignment2-EDLD5305-Submission.docx Click for more options

Download the document template,
Post the URL into the space at the top of the document template,
Add your name to the document,
Rename the file with your name and assignment identifier
Upload the file to Blackboard by or before the deadline.

If your assignment submission does take the form of a Word or Pages document then you can simply paste the content into the document template and complete the assignment submission as outlined above.

The School of Education is using this submission process in its online courses for two reasons:

We wish to provide you an offline copy of the assignment instructions that you can refer to.
We want to ensure there is a consistent and permanent record of assignment submissions that can efficiently be converted to hard copy.


You can use a document, Google doc, Word or Pages doc, blog post or other format to present your ideas to your audience.
Use the APA format to cite your sources.
Use the assignment name, your last name and first initial (assignment name + last name + first initial) to label your assignment submission.

Add to ePortfolio:

Since this assignment is part of the course outcome of identifying technology innovations, embracing them as opportunities rather than challenges, and recognizing that they can proactively be used as catalysts to enhance your learning environment and organization you will also need to add this to your ePortfolio. In the final module you will be required to consolidate all the course assignments into a cohesive section on your ePortfolio, so we recommend that you add this to your ePortfolio as you go along rather than wait until the end.

EDLD 5305 Innovation Plan
EDLD 5305 Module 1
EDLD 5305 Module 2
EDLD 5305 Module 3
EDLD 5305 Module 4
EDLD 5305 Module 5

EDLD 5305 Module 1

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 8, 2019

Disruptive Innovation – The Ride You’re On

Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, your organization is riding the waves of change. You have a choice to make. Are you going to go along for the ride and respond reactively to change, or are you going to take charge and be in the driver’s seat, utilizing the change as an opportunity to enhance your institution’s learning environment?

Course Outcome/Goal

Learners will identify technology innovations and embrace them as opportunities rather than challenges, recognizing that they can proactively use those changes as catalysts to enhance their organizations.

Module Outcome/Goal

After completing this module, you should be able to:

Apply the principles of disruptive innovation.
Use technological innovation and change as a proactive catalyst enhance your learning environment.

Video Resources

The Ride You’re on


Please read one of the following titles that best aligns with your situation or area of interest:

Horn’s Blended Learning (entire book)
Higher Education –
Business – Christensen’s Innovator’s Dilemma (entire book).

Discussion Tips & Grading

Discussion grading is based on the quality and level of collaboration with your classmates. We monitor the discussion forums on a weekly basis to get a sense of the quality of your contributions. We check to see if you are really entering into discussions with your classmates or are you just giving limited or “token” contributions. What is “quality” participation? In the words of Supreme Court Justice Stewart ““I know it when I see it”. There will always be a certain amount of subjectivity when we are considering the quality of discussions and dialogue. To help alleviate this subjectivity somewhat consider the following points. We will take into account whether or not you are responding to or entering into a dialogue with your classmates who may have taken the time to respond to your posts or comments. We will be looking to see if you are you trying to be helpful and share insights. We will also be looking see if you are asking questions that lead to deeper discussions and deeper learning. The right answers are often not nearly as important as the right questions.

At the end of the term we run a statistical analysis to see the distribution of the discussions. We then assign a grade based on the level and quality of participation. To get a higher grade you need to collaborate at a high level with more people. The more helpful you are the better you will do.

We don’t use a discussion checklist because research reveals that when we use this type of a checklist or rubric in online discussions students will simply follow the formula (i.e. make one post and respond to two others or whatever the formula dictates) and do not really enter into authentic collaboration. Collaboration is very important in digital learning and you don’t get effective collaboration using a discussion checklist. How much collaboration is enough—enough to be authentic and helpful.

Disruptive Innovation Discussions

In this assignment, you to consider your reading and are to view the following videos then participate in a discussion with your colleagues. This discussion will give you the opportunity to get a better understanding of Disruptive Innovation and how it applies to education and will enable you to verify the ideas that you plan to use in your first written assignment.

Part 6 — Technology as a Disruptive Force in Education

Disrupting Class – Part 3: Disruptive Innovation in Education

Disrupting Class – Part 4: Blended Learning


Participate in a class discussion in which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions.

  • What is disruptive innovation and why is it so important?
  • How can innovation be a catalyst for change in education or your industry and organization?
  • If blended learning is not about the technology but about the learning then why do we overemphasize the technology aspect of this change?
  • What models of blended learning can you see working in your organization?
  • What are some opportunities for innovation in your organization? How will this impact your innovation proposal?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

The Need for Change Discussions

In Bring on the learning revolution! Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for a revolution to our educational systems. Robinson makes the argument that we need to use the advances in the Internet and technology to create a model of education that is organic and that is personalized to a learners unique talents and needs. This discussion will give you the opportunity to get a better understanding of why change is so important and to enable you to verify the ideas that you plan to use in your your first written assignment.

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!


Participate in a group discussion, which you begin by addressing the following issues/questions.

  • Do you agree or disagree with Robinson’s argument?
  • What does this say about our learning environments?
  • What can we do to change our educational system?
  • What technologies exist today that personalize your computing and learning experiences (hint: Amazon…)?

Please remember the list of questions are for your benefit and are intended to help you focus your thinking. We are not asking nor expect you to answer each question in your discussion–rather you should use these questions to help focus on how the insights gained through this discussion will help you to add another component to your innovation plan.

This assignment will be assessed as part of your course participation grade.

The Effect of Disruptive Innovation in My Organization

Assignment Value: 75 points

In this assignment, you are to articulate your understanding of how a disruptive innovation can be used to impact and change your organization. As you develop your argument for your innovation proposal take into account the ideas that you have explored in the literature, media and discussions.


Create/develop an argument for change in your organization that you plan to implement–this argument for change will be referred to as your innovation proposal. Consider all the points that you discussed with your colleagues in the two Collaborative Discussions when you are making your innovation proposal. Your innovation proposal will provide the foundational background for the literature review, the implementation outline, the promotional video and the final presentation of your innovation plan that you will be developing in the rest of this course.

The innovation proposal can be submitted in any format but keep in mind that it will also be used in your ePortfolio as a part of the final blog post where you present your final plan that you will share with your organization.

Two Step Submission

An accurate understanding of how innovation can be used as a catalyst for change in your organization is so fundamental to your innovation proposal and to all other assignments within this course that we need to confirm that you are on the right track and have a solid foundation for which to base the rest of your course work. Therefore, we will be using the following two step submission process:

Step 1

You will submit your completed proposal by 11:59 PM CST on the first Sunday of the course. This assignment will be reviewed but not graded and feedback will be provided to confirm that you are on the right track. You must submit this assignment directly via email to your instructor.

Step 2

You will then take into account your literature review in week two and case study examinations in week three to the help revise and update your ideas and then submit a final version of your innovation proposal by 11:59 PM CST on the Friday night of Week 3. This submission will be graded and must follow the following submission details.

Submission Details:

This assignment is unique to you, your circumstances, and your organization so you need to determine who your audience is, why and how they will use this information, and what impact you are looking to make. Since you own this assignment, and more importantly the ideas within the assignment, you need to choose how you will format and present this information. Refer to Who Owns the Eportfolio – for a more detailed explanation of idea ownership.
Even though your evidence of learning for this assignment may take the form of a Google document, video, presentation ( SlideShare), blog post or other digital format, to submit the assignment URL you are required to download and use the provided assignment document template Assignment1-EDLD5305-Submission.docx Click for more options

Download the document template (above)
Past the URL into the space at the top of the document template,
Add your name to the document,
Rename the file with your name and assignment identifier,
Upload the file to Blackboard by or before the deadline.

If your evidence of learning does take the form of a Word document then you can simply paste the content into the document template and complete the assignment submission as outlined above.
The School of Education is using this submission process in its online courses for two reasons:

We wish to provide you an offline copy of the assignment instructions that you can refer to.
We want to ensure there is a consistent and permanent record of assignment submissions that can efficiently be converted to hard copy.


You can use a document, google doc, presentation (SlideShare), video, infographic, blog post or any other format to present your ideas to your audience.
Use the APA format to cite your sources.
Use the assignment name, your last name and first initial (assignment name + last name + first initial) to label your assignment submission.

Add to ePortfolio:

Since this assignment is part of the course outcome of identifying technology innovations, embracing them as opportunities rather than challenges, and recognizing that they can proactively be used as catalysts to enhance your learning environment and organization you will also need to add this to your ePortfolio. In the final module you will be required to consolidate all the course assignments into a cohesive section on your ePortfolio, so we recommend that you add this to your ePortfolio as you go along rather than wait until the end.

EDLD 5305 Innovation Plan
EDLD 5305 Module 1
EDLD 5305 Module 2
EDLD 5305 Module 3
EDLD 5305 Module 4
EDLD 5305 Module 5

Whether you are creating a digital story to establish a conceptual hook, a step by step instructional video, a video introduction to an online module, or a video for blended learning it has never been easier to do it yourself (DIY).

To help you understand what is involved in creating videos I will:

  • Provide a few video examples
  • Identify the tools and resources I used to create, edit and publish those videos
  • Share the full list of hardware, software and videos resources (including links) that I use on a regular basis and that you can use as a starting point to create effective videos for your learning environments.

Digital Story Telling
Not Suited for School But Suited For Learning

Video Input/Capture: iMovie
Video Editing: iMovie
Image Editing: Photoshop
Audio: Audacity
Mic: Blue Yeti
Publishing: Youtube

Establishing a Conceptual Hook
Connecting the Dots vs Collecting the Dots

Video Input/Capture:Canon 7D
Video Editing: iMovie
Image Editing: Photoshop
Audio: RODE Rec (iPhone App)
Mic: RODE smartLav+
Teleprompter: DIY & A Prompter for Android (Android App)
Lights: 3 point lighting setup with Cowboy Studio Light Kit & Clamp Lights
Background: 9′ White studio
Publishing: Youtube

Module Introduction Video
EDLD 5305 Disruptive Innovation Introduction

Video Input/Capture: Canon 7D
Video Editing: iMovie
Image Editing: Photoshop
Audio: RODE Rec (iPhone App)
Mic: RODE smartLav+
Teleprompter: DIY & A Prompter for Android (Android App)
Lights: 3 point lighting setup with Cowboy Studio Light Kit & Clamp Lights
Background: 9′ White studio
Publishing: Youtube

Video for Blended Learning Scenario
Creating Significant Learning Environments (CLSE)

Video Input/Capture: Camtasia
Video Editing: Camtasia
Slides: Keynote
Image Editing: Photoshop
Audio: Camtasia
Mic: Blue Yeti
Publishing: Youtube

Dwayne’s DIY Video Creation Toolbox

I currently use or have used the following tools and have linked to where the tool can be acquired. Wherever possible I will link to a comparable free tool:



Video Editing & Screen Capture

Photo/Image Editing

Slides & Presentation




Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup Series
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 1 Teleprompter & Tripod
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 2 Lighting & Background
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 3 LED Lighting Update
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 4 Audio
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 5 Audio & Lighting Update
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 6: To Script or Not To Script…

Revised September 29, 2023

Course Goal
Students will apply constructivist learning theories and instructional design principles in the development and delivery of a course utilizing significant learning environments through selected online course management tools.

Learning Goals Assessment Activities Learning Activities

Learners will apply constructivist learning theories, instructional design principles, components of the 3 column table, and UbD principles to an online course they develop.

Discuss how and why theories, principles, and components will be incorporated into the course learners are developing. Read and review theories, principles, 3 column table, and UbD principles.

Learners will be able to implement and continue the management of course delivery in an online environment.

Reflection and analysis of the components of a significant online learning environment.


Analyze the guides associated with the course management system learners will utilize. (Schoology, Blackboard, etc.)

Learners enter their course into the online course management system.


Learners will be able to evaluate existing F2F courses to re-design while applying principles of significant learning environments and considering implications of disruptive innovations.

Evaluation of current courses and identification of components necessary for online implementation.


Students identify 2 other courses that they can re-tool to move into a digital learning environment.


Human Dimension/Caring

Learners will be able to recognize their own teaching style and the characteristics of their learners to ensure success in an online environment.

Learners compare the results of their inventory with the characteristics of successful online instructors.


Learners participate in Teaching Style inventory and identify characteristics of the learners in their course.
Learning How to Learn

Learners will locate and evaluate successful online course implementations from other school districts to assist them in implementing future significant learning environments in a digital format.

Analyze and discuss the resources explaining how and why they will be valuable to the learner in increasing online offerings.



Learners will research and compile resources in their portfolios to guide and assist them as they plan and develop additional online courses.

EDLD 5305 Reading List

Dwayne Harapnuik —  September 26, 2016

Week 1

Please note: Only one text is required — select the text appropriate to your current situation:

K-12 educators:
Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2014). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools. John Wiley & Sons.

Higher Education:
Christensen C. M., Horn M. B., Soares L., & L. Caldera. (2011). Disrupting college: How disruptive innovation can deliver quality and affordability to postsecondary education. college/

Business focus:
Christensen, C. (2013). The innovator’s dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press.

Supplementary Text for Higher Education:
Christensen C. M., & H. J. Eyring. (2011). The innovative university: changing the DNA of higher education from the inside out. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Week 2

The list of readings for this module was set up to be purposely overwhelming because you need to be aware of just how much information is available and, more importantly, you need to learn to glean what is valuable and what is not. If you have been following educational technology literature for many years, then you will not be overwhelmed with all this reading, because you will have read each of the reports when they were published. If you are new to the discipline, then you have a bit of catching up to do.

Ideally, you do want to read all the material, but given the time constraints of this course and the fact that you all have lives, I suggest that you look to your class colleagues to share the load of reading and devise a plan to distribute the reading load and to at least look at the following in detail.

At minimum, read the most recent years of the Horizon Report, and then read the Executive summaries, Technologies to Watch, Critical Challenges and Significant Trends sections of the earlier reports. Look for patterns and also critically assess how accurate the earlier reports have been. Compare the predictions and claims of the Horizon Reports with that data in the Internet Trends Report (at minimum, use the report summary). Read the most recent ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, and review the Key Findings of the previous two studies to identify patterns that will point to disruptive innovations and compare to the Horizon and Meeker reports.

Week 3

Review the following resources that explain how ACU leveraged the disruptive power of the iPhone and iPad as a catalyst for the change in learning on their campus:

If you are considering a 1 to 1 initiative review the MTLI site and pay particular attention to:

If you are considering a 1 to 1 iPad initiative review the:

If you are considering a blended learning initiative review:

Regardless of your interest in mobile learning, 1 to 1, blended learning, or other technology-focused initiative it is always a good idea to keep the right perspective that it isn’t just about the technology it is about the learning. John November does a wonderful job reminding us of this in his article:

Why Schools Must Move Beyond One to One Computing

Similarly, AJ Juliani talks about starting with learning beliefs and learning principles even before talking about technology in his post:

Why We Went Multi-Device, Multi-Platform for Our 1:1 Initiative

Week 4

Digital Storytelling Cookbook – Must be downloaded from within the course BB

Dwayne’s DIY Video Creation Toolbox – if you are wondering what camera, mic, lighting, and editing software that you should use for your video this is the first place to start.

Week 5

Are You An Innovative Educator? Here’s How to Find Out