Search Results For "COVA an ePortfolio"

EDLD 5320 Examples

Dwayne Harapnuik —  July 17, 2018

Colby Clifford

Pedro Beltran

Robin Ballard

Maggie Frank

Wayne Wilson

Jarret Lindsey

Ennis Johnson

Lindsey Wallace

Brooke Josephs

Bridget Gallagher

Michelle Little

Kris Bumstead

Casey Davis

Jamie Velazquez

Carl Mohn

Amy Atchison

Rebecca Recco

Jordan Roberts

Jason Kern

Isaura Herrera

Nancy Watson

Malika Humphries

Rhoda Hahn

Shelby Willis

Revised July 2023

What I am Doing Now

Dwayne Harapnuik —  March 6, 2018

What I am Doing Now

I am currently home with my family in North Vancouver which is the home of some of the best Mountain Biking in the world, it is early spring.

My Primary Professional Focus:

I create significant learning environments (CSLE) by giving learners choice ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA).

CSLE+COVA Discussions Youtube & Podcasts:

  • Dr. Thibodeax talk almost daily about ways to enhance the learning environment. Since most of our discussion happen over a Zoom connection (we live thousands of miles apart) we have decided to hit the record button and let you all in on our musings, speculating, and dreaming up new ways to enhance the learning environment by giving learners choice, ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities.
  • You can access these videos from the CSLE2COVA Youtube channel and our podcast versions of these discussions from CSLE+COVA SoundCloud.

Collaborative Writing Opportunities:

  • Are you getting tired of all the hype related to educational reform, educational technology, or the next big thing that will revolutionize education?  If so, then I would encourage you to join Dr. Thibodeax and I in looking at ways to cut through the hype of so many of these educational promises.  Take a few minutes to review the post How to cut through the hype of educational promises, review the list of topics near the end of the post, and let us know what you would like to write about and we will explore the best place to publish these insights.

COVA Professional Development Series:

  • Learner’s Mindset Workshop
  • Online/blended Learner’s Mindset PD courses

Articles in Progress:

  • COVA as Threshold Concepts
  • Research into Video Feedback/Feedforward
  • Student Perceptions on Authentic Learning
  • Moving from Constructivist Rhetoric to Practice

Books I am working on:

  • COVA eBook updates
  • Learners Mindset – editing stage

Research I am exploring:

  • COVA Communities of Practice (CoP) as a way to Promote STEM
  • COVA PD as a way to promote CoP effectiveness
  • 3rd phase of ePortfolio Persistence research
  • Exploring the use of Deliberate Practice in DownHill Mountain Bike Racing and Freeride

Revised December 07, 2019
I will be updating this page as things change or at a minimum on or around the first of each month.


Dwayne Harapnuik —  August 21, 2017

CSLE+COVA Research

John Dewey - Rob the future

Peer Reviewed eBooks

Harapnuik, D. K., & Thibodeaux, T. N. (2023). COVA: Inspire Learning Through Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Experiences 2nd Ed. Learner’s Mindset Publishing.
COVA eBook is available in Kindle format from Amazon,

Harapnuik, D. K., & Thibodeaux, T. N. (2023). Learner’s Mindset: A Catalyst for Innovation. Learner’s Mindset Publishing. KIndle format from Amazon

Published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters that point to research that supports the COVA+CSLE approach:

Thibodeaux, T. N., & Harapnuik, D. K. (2021). Exploring students’ use of feedback to take ownership and deepen learning. International Journal of e-Learning. Retrieved from

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., Cummings, C. D., & Dolce, J. (2021). Graduate students’ perceptions of factors that contribute to ePortfolio Persistence beyond the program of study. International Journal of ePortfolio.

Harapnuik, D. K., & Thibodeaux, T. N. (2020). Exploring students’ use of feedback to take ownership and deepen learning. International Journal of e-Learning. Retrieved from

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., & Cummings, C. D. (2019). ePortfolio Persistence. Manuscript in progress.

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., & Cummings, C. D. (2019). Feedback to Feedforward. Manuscript in progress.

Thibodeaux, T. N., & Harapnuik, D. K. (2019). Exploring students’ use of feedback to take ownership and deepen learning. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K, & Cummings, C. D. (2019). Student perceptions of the influence of the COVA learning approach on authentic projects and the learning environment. International Journal of e-Learning, 18(1), 79-101. Retrieved from

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., & Cummings, C. D. (2019). Student perceptions of the influence of choice, ownership, and voice in learning and the learning environment. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 33(1), 50-62. Retrieved from

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K, & Cummings, C. D. (2018). Graduate student perceptions of the impact of the COVA learning approach on authentic projects and ePortfolios. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., & Cummings, C. D. (2018). Perceptions of the influence of learner choice, ownership in learning, and voice in learning and the learning environment. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K, & Cummings, C. D. (2017). Graduate student perceptions of the impact of the COVA learning approach on authentic projects and ePortfolios. Manuscript submitted for publication.

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., & Cummings, C. D. (2017, May). Learners as critical thinkers for the workplace of the future: Introducing the COVA learning approach. Texas Computer Education Association TCEA Techedge, 2(2), 13. Retrieved from

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., Cummings, C. D., & Wooten, R. (2017). Learning all the time and everywhere: Moving beyond the hype of the mobile learning quick fix. In Keengwe, J. S. (Eds.). Handbook of research on mobile technology, constructivism, and meaningful learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Harapnuik, D. K., Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. (2017, March). Student perceptions of the impact of the COVA approach on the ePortfolios and authentic projects in the digital learning and leading program. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education (SITE), Austin, TX.

Harapnuik, D. K., Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. (2017). Using the COVA learning approach to create active and significant learning environments. In Keengwe, J. S. (Eds.), Handbook of research on digital content, mobile learning, and technology integration models in teacher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K, & Cummings, C. D. (2017). Factors that contribute to ePortfolio persistence. International Journal of ePortfolio7(1), p. 1-12. Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T. & Poda, I. (2017) New Technologies. In Martin, G.E., Danzig, A.B., Wright, W.F., Flanary, R.A., & Orr, M.T. School leader internship: Developing, monitoring, and evaluating your leadership experience (4th Ed.). New York: Routledge, pp. 91-94.

The research that informs the CSLE+COVA

The CSLE+COVA approach is based on a considerable amount of research that has been conducted over the past two decades about what works and does not work when it comes to creating significant learning environments where learners are given choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.  While based on all the research listed in the references, in particular, it emphasizes…

Constructivism – With roots stemming from progressive education, the combination of Labaree (2005) and Hattie’s (2008) definition of constructivism builds upon student-centered learning, guided discovery learning, and visible learning where students construct new knowledge and show others how they learn (Piaget, 1964; Ginsberg & Oppers, 1969, Papert, 1993, 1997). Jonassen and Reeves (1996) assert that learning with technology or using technology tools to support the learning process, should be the focus in the learning environment rather than learning from technology. This line of thinking allows authentic projects to become the “object of activity” as opposed to technology functioning as the primary focus of instruction.

Student/learner-centered – It all has to start with the learner. Mayer (2009) characterized learner-centered approaches where instructional technology was used as an enhancement to human cognition. Essentially, student-centered learning is when students “own” their own learning (Dewey, 1916; Lee & Hannafin, 2016).

Teaching roles – An instructor has many different roles which at minimum include presenter, facilitator, coach, and mentor (Harapnuik, 2015a; Priest, 2016). We need to shift to more coaching and mentoring because formative evaluation and feedback given within a trusted relationship yields the highest levels of student achievement (Hattie 2008, 2011).

Ubiquitous Access & Social Networking – We live in an age where we can access all the world’s information and almost anyone from the palms of our hands.  Because we are socially networked and connected learners look to their peers and crowd-sourcing for information and solutions to problems (Edelman, 2017).

Instructional Design — If we start with the end in mind or a purposeful backward design, we can look at how a course or program will change learners’ lives, how it can make them a better member of society, and how they can contribute to solving particular problems (Fink, 2003; Harapnuik, 2004, 2015a).

Assessment & Evaluation — We should be incorporating formative tools like feed forward (Goldsmith, 2009) or educative assessments that help the learner to align outcomes with activities and assessment (Fink, 2003).

Support & Infrastructure — When people talk about learning technology, they think of tablets and laptops being used in the classroom or learning management systems. But this is the wrong focus; we should not focus on the technology itself but viewed simply as a tool that provides information and supports teaching and learning (November, 2013; Amory, 2014).

Choice – Learners are given the freedom to choose how they wish to organize, structure, and present their learning experiences (Dewey, 1916, Ginsberg & Opper, 1969). Choice also extends to the authentic project or learning experience promotes personalized learning (Bolliger & Sheperd, 2010) which includes adapting or developing learning goals and choosing learning tools that support the learning process (Buchem, Tur, & Hölterhof, 2014).

Guided discovery – It is crucial to acknowledge that the learner’s choice is guided by the context of the learning opportunity and by the instructor who aides the learner in making effective choices. The research over the past 40 years confirms guided discovery provides the appropriate freedom to engage in authentic learning opportunities while at the same time providing the necessary guidance, modeling, and direction to lessen the cognitive overload (Bruner, 1961, 1960; Ginsberg & Opper, 1969: Mayer, 2004).

Ownership  Constructivists, like Jonassen (1999), argue that ownership of the problem is key to learning because it increases learner engagement and motivation to seek out solutions. Ownership of learning is also directly tied to agency when learners make choices and “impose those choices on the world” (Buchem et al., 2014, p. 20; Buchem, Attwell, & Torres, 2011). Clark (2001) points to a learner’s own personal agency and ownership of belief systems as one major factor contributing to the willingness and persistence in sharing their learning.

Voice – Learners are given the opportunity to use their own voice to structure their work and ideas and share those insights and knowledge with their colleagues within their organizations. The opportunity to share this new knowledge publicly with people other than the instructors helps the learner to deepen their understanding, demonstrate flexibility of knowledge, find their unique voice, establish a sense of purpose, and develop a greater sense of personal significance (Bass, 2014).

Authentic learning – The selection and engagement in real-world problems that are relevant to the learner further their ability to make meaningful connections (Donovan et al., 2000) and provide them with career preparedness not available in more traditional didactic forms of education (Windham, 2007).  Research confirms that authenticity is only developed through engagement with these sorts of real-world tasks or as Kolb (1974 & 2014) would suggest through experiential learning and that this type of authentic learning can deepen knowledge creation and ultimately help the learner transfer this knowledge beyond the classroom (Driscoll, 2005; Nikitina, 2011). It is also important to recognize that authenticity is not an independent or isolated feature of the learning environment but it is the result of the continual interaction between the learner, the real-world activity, and the learning environment (Barab, Squire, & Dueber, 2000). This is also why we stress that in the COVA model choice, ownership, and voice are realized through authentic learning, and without this dynamic and interactive authenticity, there would be no genuine choice, ownership, and voice (Harapnuik, Thibodeaux, & Cummings, 2017).


Amory, A. (2014). Tool-mediated authentic learning in an educational technology course: A designed-based innovation. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(4), 497-513. doi:

Barab, S. A., Squire, K. D., & Dueber, W. (2000). A co-evolutionary model for supporting the emergence of authenticity. Educational Technology Research and Development, 48(2), 37–62.

Bass, R. (2014). Social pedagogies in ePortfolio practices: Principles for design and impact. Retrieved from

Bolliger, D. U., & Sheperd, C. E. (2010). Student perceptions of ePortfolio integration in Online courses. Distance Education, 31(3), 295-314.

Bruner, J. S. (1960). The process of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bruner, J. S. (1961). The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review, 31(1), 21–32.

Bruner, J. S. (1962). On knowing: essays for the left hand. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Bruner, J. S. (1966). Toward a theory of instruction. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Bruner, J. S. (1973). Beyond the information given. New York, New York: Norton.

Buchem, I., Attwell, G., & Torres, R. (2011). Understanding personal learning environments: Literature review and synthesis through the activity theory lens. Proceedings of the PLE Conference, 1-33. Retrieved from

Buchem, I., Tur, G., & Hölterhof, T. (2014). Learner control in personal learning environments: cross-cultural study. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 15(2), 14-53. Retrieved from

Clark, R. (2001). Learning from media: Arguments, analysis, and evidence. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Dewey, J. (1910). How we think. New York, New York: D. C. Heath.

Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education: An introduction to philosophy of education. New York, NY: Macmillan.

Driscoll, M. P. (2005) Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Toronto, ON: Pearson.

Edelman, R. (2017). 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer. Retrieved from

Fink, D. (2003). Creating significant learning experiences: An integrated approach to designing college courses. San Francisco: CA: Jossey-Bass.

Ginsburg, H., & Opper, S. (1969). Piaget’s theology of intellectual development: An introduction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Goldsmith, M. (2009). Take it to the next level: What got you here, won’t get you there. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

Harapnuik, D. (2004). Development and evaluation of inquisitivism as a foundational approach for web-based instruction (Doctoral dissertation). University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.

Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 8b). Creating significant learning environments (CSLE). [Video file]. Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D. K., Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. (2017). Using the COVA learning approach to create active and significant learning environments. In Keengwe, J. S. (Eds.), Handbook of research on digital content, mobile learning, and technology integration models in teacher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. New York, NY: Routledge.

Hattie, J. (2011, November 28). Visible learning Pt1. Disasters and below average methods [Video file]. Retrieved from

Jonassen, D. H. (1999). Designing constructivist learning environments. In C. M. Reigeluth, Instructional-design theories and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory (pp. 215-240). New York, NY: Routledge.

Jonassen, D. H., & Reeves, T. C. (1996). Learning with technology: Using computers as cognitive tools. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Handbook of research on education communications and technology (pp. 6930719). New York, NY: Macmillan.

Labaree, D. F. (2005). Progressivism, schools, and schools of education: An American romance. Paedagogica Historica, 41(1&2), 275-288. Retrieved from

Jonassen, D. H. (1999). Designing constructivist learning environments. In C. M. Reigeluth, Instructional-design theories, and models: A new paradigm of instructional theory. New York, NY: Routledge.

Kolb, David A. 2014. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Kolb, David Allen, and Ronald Eugene Fry. 1974. Toward an Applied Theory of Experiential Learning. MIT Alfred P. Sloan School of Management.

Lee, E. & Hannafin, M. J. (2016). A design framework for enhancing engagement in student-centered learning: Own it, learn it, and share it. Educational Technology Research Development, 64, 707-734. doi: 10.1007/s11423-015-9422-5

Mayer, R. E. (2004). Should there be a three-strikes rule against pure discovery learning? American Psychologist, 59(1), 14–19.

Nikitina, L. (2011). Creating an authentic learning environment in the foreign language classroom. International Journal of Instruction, (4)1, 33-36. Retrieved from

November, A. (2013, February 13). Why schools must move beyond one-to-one computing [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Papert, S. (1993). The children’s machine: Rethinking school in the age of the computer. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Papert, S. (1997). Why school reform is impossible (with commentary on O’Shea’s and Koschmann’s reviews of “The children’s machine”). The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 6(4), 417–427.

Piaget, J. (1964). Development and learning. In R.E. Ripple & V.N. Rockcastle (Eds.), Piaget Rediscovered: A Report on the Conference of Cognitive Studies and Curriculum Development (pp. 7–20). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.

Priest, S. (2016). Learning & teaching [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Simonson, S., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Windham, C. (2007). Why today’s students value authentic learning. Educause Learning ELI Paper 9. Retrieved from

Wuchty, S., Jones, B. F., & Uzzi, B. (2007). The increasing dominance of teams in production of knowledge. Science, 316(5827), 1036–1039.

Links to all the components of the CSLE+COVA framework:

Change in Focus
CSLE+COVA vs Traditional
Digital Learning & Leading

Revised August, 2024

DLL Program Map

Dwayne Harapnuik —  July 21, 2017

DLL Program Map

Please note: The DLL course goals and program map must be read from the bottom starting from EDLD 5305 then moving onto 5302, 5303 and so on. The large red text points to the main plan, strategy, or publication that you will have created upon completion of the course.

CSLE+COVA Capstone

EDLD 5320
Learners will synthesize their knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values gained through their digital learning and leadership experiences and present a comprehensive plan on how they developed into digital learners and leaders that can identify and promote innovation, create significant digital learning environments, and lead organizational change.

Digital Citizen

EDLD 5316
Learners will be able to navigate the emerging educational and legal challenges of a knowledge society where most K-12 students are deeply immersed in online communication, having grown up as “digital natives.”

EdTech Review

EDLD 5314
Learners will analyze and assess global educational technology innovation projects to determine what worked and what could be done better and apply those lessons learned to local innovation projects.

Online Course

EDLD 5318
Learners will apply constructivist learning theories and instructional design principles in the development and delivery of an online course utilizing significant learning environments through selected course management tools.

PD Planning

EDLD 5388/5389
Learners will effectively apply an innovative teaching practice by collaborating with colleagues to evaluate their impact on learners and design and model authentic professional learning (PL) activities that are active, have a significant duration, and are specific to their discipline.

EdTech Publication

EDLD 5317
Learners will examine a variety of digital environments and other digital resources to effectively communicate with others the practical implementation and the pedagogical value for educational use.

Measurement Strategy

EDLD 5315
Learners will be able to assess the instructional impact the implementation of their innovation plans have on creating effective digital learning environments.

Organizational Change

EDLD 5304
Learners will be equipped with tools to be a self-differentiated leader who can address the inevitable resistance to change that will occur when launching innovative digital learning initiatives.

Learning Environments

EDLD 5313
Learners will identify and incorporate constructivist theories to create and implement significant digital learning environments.

Learning Mindset

EDLD 5302
Learners will take ownership and agency over the learning process and incorporate learner choice and voice in designing authentic projects that use technology innovations as a catalyst for change in their organizational setting.


EDLD 5303
Learners will prepare and submit an ePortfolio that demonstrates their mastery of the learning outcomes for previously completed professional development work.

Authentic Innovation Plan

EDLD 5305
Learners will identify technology innovations and embrace them as opportunities rather than challenges and proactively use those changes as catalysts to enhance their institution or district’s learning environments.

Related DLL links:
What to expect from the DLL
What you get from the DLL
How to succeed in the DLL

Link to the Orginal DLL Program Map 2015-2019

Revised: October 5, 2020

Digital Learning and Leading (DLL)

The Master of Digital Learning and Leading (DLL) at Lamar University was a collaborative learner-centered program that embraces technological innovation through collaboration and active and authentic learning that will prepare learners to create meaningful change. The program ran from the fall of 2015 to the Spring 2022. The DLL was updated completely and now runs as the Applied Digital Learning program at Lamar University.

In creating significant learning environments (CSLE) by giving learners choice ownership and voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA) we help our learners grow into digital leaders who can embrace the opportunities of the future. We refer to this as the CSLE+COVA framework or the COVA approach.

While technology is continually used to enhance the learning environment in the DLL, it isn’t just relegated to being another tool our learners put in their instructional toolboxes. Innovative technologies are used as catalysts to enhance learning and when effectively employed, the technology disappears into the learning environment. This online program is designed to develop both your digital knowledge and your leadership abilities and give you tools, skills, and knowledge to empower those in your educational community to step outside their comfort zone and into the digital future.

The DLL program is grounded in the learning approaches of Dewey, Bruner, Piaget, Papert, Jonassen and other constructivist theorists who advocate that learning is an active, dynamic, and social process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current and past knowledge and experiences. The making of meaningful connections is key to the learning and knowing.

The educator and philosopher Mortimer Adler suggests that:

teaching is a very special art, sharing with only two other arts — agriculture and medicine — an exceptionally important characteristic. A doctor may do many things for his patient, but in the final analysis, it is the patient himself who must get well — grow in health. The farmer does many things for his plants or animals, but in the final analysis, it is they that must grow in size and excellence. Similarly, although the teacher may help his student in many ways, it is the student himself who must do the learning. Knowledge must grow in his mind if learning is to take place (p. 11).

In the DLL we create and model significant learning environments where the learner is given choice ownership and, voice through authentic learning opportunities (COVA).

DLL students learn how to purposefully assemble all the key components of effective learning and create their own significant learning environments that will then, in turn, help their learners to learn how to learn.

Research and experience confirm that we learn most deeply through effective collaboration and feedback from our peers. DLL collaborative activities are structured so that students can bring their ideas to their group, examine and test those ideas, and then apply those refined and strengthened ideas to their own projects.

Collaboration is not used as a consensus driving process, rather it is part of the significant learning environment where learners are immersed and engage in productive thinking and problem solving and emerge with enhanced knowledge and skills that they can apply in their own classrooms and professional development.

In DLL the learner will not be asked to sit and get professional development but will be required to go and show what they have learned through the creation of their own authentic projects and learning ePortfolio. The DLL ePortfolio reinforces learner choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning which the DLL students are then able to share with their learners and their learning communities.

Related DLL links:
DLL Program Map & Course Goals
What You Get From the DLL
How to Succeed in the DLL


Adler, M. J., & Van Doren, C. (1972). How to read a book: The classic guide to intelligent reading. New York, NY: Touchstone.

Bruner, J. S. (1960). The process of education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bruner, J. S. (1961). The act of discovery. Harvard Educational Review, 31(1), 21–32.

Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and education: An introduction to the philosophy of education. New York, NY: Macmillan.

Papert, S. (1993). The children’s machine: Rethinking school in the age of the computer. New York, NY: Basic Books.

Papert, S. (1997). Why school reform is impossible (with commentary on O’Shea’s and Koschmann’s reviews of “The children’s machine”). The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 6(4), 417–427.

Piaget, J. (1964). Development and learning. In R.E. Ripple & V.N. Rockcastle (Eds.), Piaget Rediscovered: A Report on the Conference of Cognitive Studies and Curriculum Development (pp. 7–20). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.