Search Results For "ownership"

Course Goal
Learners will synthesize their knowledge, skills, beliefs, and values gained through their digital learning and leadership experiences and present a comprehensive plan on how they developed into digital learners and leaders that can identify and promote innovation, create significant digital learning environments, and lead organizational change.

Learning Outcomes
Aligning learning outcomes with activities and assessment:

Learning Outcomes Assessment Activities Learning Activities

Learners will explore and analyze how the COVA approach has aided them in their learning process and then apply the principles of the COVA approach to creating significant learning environments that provide their learners with choice, ownership, voice, and authentic learning opportunities.






Readings Discussion

Integration/Human Dimensions/Caring

Learners will organize and analyze their innovation project by evaluating their learning process, assessing the lessons learned, and applying these insights to how they would lead innovation projects in the future.








Readings Discussion

Integration/Human Dimensions/Caring

Learners will communicate and promote their innovation plan/project, their analysis, the lessons learned, and how they will plan to complete and promote the project.







Readings Discussion

Integration/Learning How to Learn

Learners will analyze and synthesize all key aspects and components of the DLL program and ePortfolio process that contributed to their development as a digital learner and leader and share this experience along with the comprehensive organization of their innovation project.


Learners will locate, evaluate and compile web-based resources, experts and communities that will help them in their continued growth and development as digital learners and leaders.

ePortfolio Blog Organize and present all course work into cohesive site.

Revised on January 12, 2021

Course Goal
Learners will take ownership and agency over the learning process and incorporate choice and voice in designing authentic projects that use technology innovation as a catalyst for change in their organizations.

Learning Outcomes:
Aligning learning outcomes/goals with activities and assessment:

Course Outcomes  Assessment  Learning Activities

Learners will discover how they can use choice and voice and develop authentic learning activities in the ADL program.

COVA Institute

Reflect on current use of teaching and learning practices using technology innovations.


Instructor Lecture

Media Listings

Required and Supplemental Readings



Learners will discuss how technology tools can enhance collaboration and engagement within learning communities in which they are a part of.


Develop a static web page that reflects on the importance of engagement and collaboration in a learning community or network.


Instructor Lecture

Media Listings

Required and Supplemental Readings



Learners will assemble their experiences into a cohesive ePortfolio as a way to promote their ideas and share their digital identities.

Develop an ePortfolio that shares personal philosophies, ideas, blogs, and authentic coursework that showcases one’s digital identity.


Instructor Lecture

Media Listings

Required and Supplemental Readings


Human Dimensions/Caring

Learners will analyze the role a growth mindset has on creating effective learning environments.

Reflective application of Dweck’s mindset theory to learner perceptions on how they learn


Read Carol Dweck’s, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success


Learning How to Learn

Learners will identify and articulate how they will use choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity in learning activities within their organization.


COVA Institute

Create a learning manifesto that analyzes the COVA model and describes the implications for current educational practices as the model relates to technology integration in the work setting.


Instructor Lecture

Media Listings

Required and Supplemental Readings



Required Text:
Harapnuik, D. K, Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. Creating significant learning environments through choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity.
The COVA eBook is an open educational resource (OER) and can be downloaded for FREE at

Other course resources include media and reading that can be accessed within the weekly folders in the Classroom/Modules in BB.

Required Text:
Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Random House

Harapnuik, D. K, Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. Creating significant learning environments through choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity.
The COVA eBook is an open educational resource (OER) and can be downloaded for FREE at

Other course resources include media and reading that can be accessed within the weekly folders in the Classroom/Modules in BB.

Course Goal:

Learners will create an ePortfolio to share their work, reflect on their growth, and develop their voice.

Learning Outcomes:
Aligning learning outcomes with activities and assessment: 

Learning Outcomes Assessment Learning Activities
Learners will explore and apply the fundamental principles of effective ePortfolio practice.



Review and research the fundamentals of ePortfolios and begin to develop your own ePortfolio based on these fundamentals.
Learners will be able to articulate and apply why ePortfolios should be used and how choice contributes to reflective practice.



Review the assigned and related course resources and continued building the ePortfolio.

Growth Mindset reflection post.

Learners will be able to articulate and apply who owns the ePortfolio and how ownership contributes to effective learning.



Review the assigned and related course resources and continued building the ePortfolio.

Learning Manifesto reflection post.

Human Dimension/Caring
Learners explore and incorporate the social and collaborative role of learning in community.



Review the assigned and related course resources and continued building the ePortfolio. Join several professional learning communities and create a reflection post related to your experiences.
Learning How to Learn
Learners will locate, evaluate and compile web-based resources, experts, and communities that will help them to promote their learning



Finalize your ePortfolio. Organize and connect all your reflections into a final post and prepare your ePortfolio for submission.