Search Results For "blended learning"

The following are the links to articles, blog post, YouTube videos, TED Talks, and books that were used or referenced in a variety of talks and workshops on Online Learning and the Online Blended Learning – Learning Lab:

Workshop Slides, Resources & PDFs  Free COVA eBook

VCC Provincial Instructor Diploma Program

Lamar University Applied Digital Learning Masters of Education

Steve Pinker Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

John Hattie Visible Learning

Technology – No Significant Difference

Assessment As Learning

Connecting the Dots vs Collecting the Dots

Change in Focus Part A

Links to Authentic Learning & CSLE+COVA posts:
I have been advocating authentic learning or project-based learning and creating significant learning environments for decades both professionally and personally. Talking the talk as an academic takes on a much more significant perspective when you walk the walk in your personal life.

Creating Significant Learning Environments

The CLSE+COVA section of this site is also a great starting place to see how to create a significant learning environment by giving your learners choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities

Community of Practice (CoP) Lead Links:

According to researchers from Canada’s York University, the demand for blended learning is growing. A survey 2,121 students in 34 courses, revealed that 48 percent of their students wanted to take blended courses, while 40 percent wanted to take classes in person.

Getting to this point will not be easy. In addition to getting students move from the passive sit and get to the go and show of active learning, blended learning requires that organizational leaders will also need to address the following 5 key hurdles:

  1. Make sure that institutional, faculty and student goals match up.
  2. Provide policies, one-on-one training and technology infrastructure to support faculty.
  3. Bring key deans, provosts and other university leaders on board.
  4. Meet each type of faculty technology adopter where they are and tailor approaches accordingly.
  5. Evaluate blended learning’s effect on student outcomes in order to give the “early majority” faculty something concrete to factor into their decision.

While these factors are key there are two more fundamental issues that can stop blended learning in its tracks – time and space. Redesigning a course to use the blended learning model takes significant time and unless given release time to make these changes many faculty are not able to do this type of redesign “off the sides of their desk”. A lack of time is another factor for students. Blended learning involves significant amounts of active learning which requires a much higher time commitment from the learner. They must do more of the work. Not all students are aware of this time commitment and with families, full time jobs and the pressures of life there are just not enough hours in the day. This is often compounded by the fact that many instructors new to blended learning will add blended learning activities to already full schedules instead replacing activities.

These blended learning activities that make up the classroom component of the blend will often require collaboration or group activities and many organizations do not have enough flexible space that will allow for group work. Lecture halls and most classroom are configured for the passive reception of information. While these traditional settings can still be use to allow peer based instructions and other minimal forms of collaboration most blended learning activities will require flexible space.

While these two additional challenges are significant they are not insurmountable. With help from instructional design specialists the issues of time for student assignments can be addressed. The issues of release time for course development or redesign can also be address with proper curriculum planning. Educational institutions have begun exploring flexible learning spaces and the learning space literature is filled with examples of how to move forward so this challenge also be addressed.

Implementing blended learning across the entire institutions is challenging but it is worth the effort. It is our responsibility to ensure that we creating the best learning environment for our learners and blended learning is one of the ways we can do this.

Read the full article…

The following two short videos provide an overview of blended learning and its benefits:

Blended Learning and Technology Integration

Blended Learning- An Introduction to Blended Learning

In case you can’t wait for the workshop and want more…

If you are intrigued and wish to continue exploring how to get started with blended learning please read my blog post . I point to Faculty Development for Blended Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee/Sloan Consortium which is still one of the best online resources for blended learning they put a priority on purposeful design and start from the learning outcomes/objectives.

So many other resources start with the blending activities but until you are clear on what you want your students to learn/do (based on the course learning outcomes) you run the risk have having great blending activities but no alignment. If you want to take your learners deeper then you need to start with your learning outcomes.

Blended learning has been around since the mid to late 90’s. I developed and instructed my first blended course back in 1994-95 and we referred to this form of instruction as alternative delivery or computer-mediated instruction. Today you will also see terms like hybrid, technology-mediated instruction, web-enhanced instruction, mixed-mode instruction and the current flavor of the day the flipped classroom. The term blended learning really took hold when Bonk and Graham published the first Handbook of Blended Learning back in 2005.

In a blended course a significant amount of the course work has been moved online. Face2face time or seat time has been reduced. The online components of the course are done instead of face2face time and not in addition to. If well designed, a blended course can offer the best of both worlds. The online components of the course can be used for information transfer with the goal of preparing the students for the limited and valuable face2face where the instructor can lead students much deeper into the learning objectives of the course. This enables the instructor to lecture less which changes their role from sage on the stage to a guide on the side as they lead the students through discussions and other collaborative activities in the face2face setting.

Over the years many resources have been developed and several books have been about Blended Learning. I am always on the lookout for the next best blended learning resources but I continually keep on returning to the Faculty Development for Blended Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee/Sloan Consortium 

The primary reason I encourage my colleagues to use these resources is that they have put a priority on purposeful design and start from the learning outcomes/objectives. So many other resources start with the blending activities but until you are clear on what you want your students to learn/do (based on the course learning outcomes) you run the risk have having great blending activities but no alignment to the learning outcomes. If you want to take your learners deeper then you need to start with your learning outcomes.

Even though these resources were developed in 2008 they are still current because they address the fundamental design issues that really haven’t change significantly. Other than the incorporation of social media into courses all the examples would apply to the present day.

I encourage you to review all the resources on the site but if you are pressed for time then consider reviewing the following resources in this order:

  • Ten Questions: “Ten Questions for Blended Course Redesign” presentation by Alan Aycock
  • Student support: “Helping your students in a blended course” presentation by Alan Aycock
  • Backwards design: “Designing a learning module for a blended course” presentation by Alan Aycock
  • Integration: “Strategies for integrating online and face-to-face in blended learning” presentation by Alan Aycock, Tanya Joosten, and Amy Mangrich
  • Content delivery: “Content delivery in blended and fully online courses” presentation by Amy Mangric.

The example presentations and other related presentations make more sense once you have the pedagogical foundation to appreciate why things are being done. You also don’t have to listen to the presentation but can view the slides and the transcript which could save you some time

For a more recent perspective on blended learning and a really good definition of the newer models you should look at

WARNING – this site has a K-12 focus and if you follow the Resources link to their Blended Learning Universe While these resources do have a K-12 focus the principles still apply to higher education.

Additional Higher Ed focused resources you can consider include:

