Archives For apps

Even though I am not currently an Android user I think it is very important to watch this platform develop. Why? As Jason Hiner points out many of the top Android apps can also be found in Apple’s App store which means the platform isn’t as important as the app or the task itself. Of the 20 listed apps, I have the following 13 on my iPhone:

  • Google voice (not active in Canada)
  • Dropbox
  • Evernote
  • Documents to Go
  • Google Docs
  • Tripit
  • Amazon Kindle
  • Google+
  • Photoshop Express
  • Audible
  • Shazam
  • Ted Air
  • Google Places

Only 3 of the 20 are unique to the Android platform and I just don’t prefer the remaining 4 apps on Hiner’s list. It is very important to note that 17 of the 20 apps are available on the iPhone so this confirms that cross platform functionality of smartphones and their related tablets is fully established. Once again the best technology is the one that goes away and it doesn’t matter if you are using the iPhone or the Android you can do the same task on either.

I have to thank my colleague Tyler Wall at Lethbridge College for the tip on this excellent site.