Archives For attention

My wife came across this video and shared it with me because I too am blessed with ADHD. I appreciate the Parody and also the notion that ADHD is a superpower. If you notice the comments you will also see a variety of positive names:

VAST – Variable Attention Stimulus Trait
TOAST – Tons Of Attention, Simply Transitory
AFN – Alternate Functional Neurodiversity
DAVE – Dopamine Attention Variability Executive-dysfunction

Let’s not forget the negative connotation that many people were diagnosed as having in the ’60s and ’70s:
ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder

We do have a choice as to how we will use the Internet. If we choose to be continuously distracted and respond reactively to the prompting of our email or social social media we can then will miss out on meaningful knowledge growth. However if we choose to be proactive and take time to focus on one thing at a time we can make the meaningful connections that are central to our ability to learn.