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In this Learner’s Mindset Discussion. Dr. Thibodeaux and I discuss the 5 biggest ePortfolio mistakes I have made over the years. Another way to look at these mistakes is from the context of what are the 5 things I wish I did sooner? If I were to start from scratch with what I know now what would I do?

  1. Switched to WordPress Sooner
  2. Stop playing the name game (i.e. website, blog, digital portfolio, ePortfolio, etc.)
  3. Create a domain of my own
  4. Post sooner and smaller
  5. Digital dump drawer

Bonus Mistake – 5b. or 6. Effective navigation structure

The following is a short summary of the highlights from the discussion:

1. Switched to WordPress Sooner
I started teaching fully online in 1995 and I started my first ePortfolio or started keeping a weblog what we refer to as a Blog at the same time. Unfortunately, I don’t have a fully functional record going back to 1995 because I kept on chasing the next best platform. I had learned HTML (hypertext markup language) and quickly realized that this wasn’t an efficient way to post quickly and often so I started using an early content management system what are commonly called CMS back in the late 90s. Unfortunately, many of these systems like XOOPS, Hyperwave, and Mambo no longer exist and many of the CMSs like Joomla and Drupal that are still around today are not the best tool for an ePortfolio. I have lost over a decade of my posts because of this. I have many archived versions of my earlier sites exported to HTML but these archives are just too difficult to use. In early 2000 I also started posting for the institutions that I was working for and when I left those institutions all may work remained and in most cases is no longer available. From 2006-2009 I posted almost daily and while I do have an archive it isn’t easily accessible online. In 2009 I finally stopped shopping around and realized that WordPress was going to be around for the long haul can I committed to this platform.

2. Stop playing the name game
My ePortfolio is the same as my blog or as my website, or my net presence. Regardless of what you call it…this is my space on the internet that I fully control where I can share my voice, insights, ideas, and resources with others… or not. This issue also contributed to my search for the ideal platform. I know I wasn’t just blogging so I actually stayed away the early WP because it really just focused on 90% of what I wanted to do. It wasn’t long before WP matured to the point it did everything the early CMS did and much more. But I still waited for too many years to move to it and also to create my own domain.

3. Create a domain of my own.
I own many many domains which I have parked and don’t use and in 2009 I finally registered my own name and have been using this as my only website, ePortfolio, blog, or whatever you want to call it. I wasted so much time, money, and resources moving from platform to platform or trying to copy the work when I was working with a number of different educational institutions. If you are using your school or institution’s platform for your website, blog, ePortfolio, etc. you never really own it and it will stay with the institution when you leave. Once again I have lost so much of my work over the years because I made this mistake.

4. Post sooner and smaller.
Seth Godin posts almost daily and sometimes it is just a matter of 2-3 sentences. Some of these best or most memorable and useful posts have been 2-3 sentences. It has taken me WAY too long to realize that my posts don’t have to have every detail or that they need to be perfect. It is much better to get your ideas out and in the process, you start to make those meaningful connections as you reflect on your experiences. You can always go back and edit what you have written or add a Part B or follow-up post.

5. Digital dump drawer
If you want your ideas to be useful to others you just can dump all your digital content into your site and treat it like people treat a dump drawer–you know that drawer or shelf or cabinet that you just dump things into and that you can never find again. Rather than just dump assignments, essays, or other digital content into your digital container you need to create a context for this information and connect it to that context. This is an integral part of making that meaningful connection.

5b. or 6. Effective navigation structure
Just because you know what rabbit trail to take to your information doesn’t mean others will. Building an effective navigation structure, using tags and categories, and having a functional search engine will help others find your information…so will sending your audience an accurate URL. Having a fully functional search engine will also help you and your users to find things that haven’t been titled or categorized well. When you have several hundred or thousand posts/pages on your site a search engine is a necessity not only for your user but for yourself.

Links to some of the people, sites, or tools I mentioned in LMD and this post

Levi Bikes

Seth Godin’s Blog

WP – CMS Market Share

WordPress history

Mambo history

Joomla History

Evolution of the CMS

Drupal History

History of blogging

History of EduBlog


Source: The World of WordPress – Infographic 2014

Nora Ganim Barnes, director of the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmout refers to the 2012-13 study that interviewed 474 presidents regarding their social media use and revealed that College Presidents are more active then CEO’s on social media. While this is a positive step in the right direction Ganin Barnes also reveals that there are alarming trends and states:

“I think it’s great that presidents are blogging, but if nobody’s tracking their reaction, then it’s like talking and not having an audience or not knowing if anybody’s in your audience,”…”The listening part to me is just as important, and social media is a two-way street. If you’re just going to be one way, you’re not being social; you’re just talking.”

college presidents socialmedia

Source: Center for Digital Education

Technorati’s annual state of the Blogosphere points to some significant trends. The most significant is that the corporate world has recognized the impact of Blogs and are now focusing a great deal of effort in this space. The hobbyist blogger is no longer posting as much as they had in the past choosing to spend more time with family or use micro-blogging and social networking instead.

Is the move by the leading edge hobbyist toward twitter and social networking surprising? Of course not, nor is the fact that the corporate world is embracing a technology just when the leader edgers are moving onto the next big thing.

This is a phenomenal report filled with easy to follow charts and lots of valuable information and is a must see.

View full report…

While I haven’t had a chance to work with this just yet (I need to upgrade my blog to WordPress 3.0) the concept of taking blog content and putting it into a book format is wonderful.

Anthologize is a WordPress plugin that allows one to use existing WordPress blog content and content from other electronic sources and then outline, order, and edit the work, crafting it into a single volume for export in several formats, including PDF, ePUB and TEI.

Go to the Anthologize website…