Archives For campus

Tablets on Campus

Dwayne Harapnuik —  February 18, 2014 — Leave a comment


I generally will NOT write anything to support or explain an infographic because by their very nature they should convey all necessary information. If an infographic needs explaining then it isn’t a very good infographic. In this instance I think it is helpful to comment on the validity of the data and statistics that this infographic points to. I went to each of the sources cited in the infographic to confirm that the data was legitimate and to also to confirm that I am passing on a useful resource.

Much of the stats regarding student technology use come from the following three sources:

It must be noted that the Adobe report is not cited directly but Jimmy Daly the Online Content Manager for EdTech Focus on Higher Education cites content from this report in two of the blog posts cited in the infographic. To assure that information being presented is as accurate as possible I strive to rely primarily on original sources and look for infographics that do the same. I also compared this infographic to ECAR Student and Technology 2013 infographic summary from the 2013 ECAR Student and Technology Use Survey and confirmed that the statistics in this infographic are reasonably in line with the ECAR statistics.

It is clear from this infographic and the supporting reports the tablet has become the new tool of choice students are relying on to help them learn in the digital information age.