Archives For change the world

The following are the links to articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, TED Talks, books, and other resources that I have explored in my pursuit of improving my ability to tell a good story and hopefully change the world.

Why Learning Environments Need to Change

Why do so many prefer passive learning?
Why You Need to Rethink Your Role as an Educator
Why AI Should Scare Some Educators and Not Others

My Why & How I Got to Now

Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audience

Nancy Duarte’s Guide to Persuasive Presentations –
This is the link to the free online version of the book that will require you to provide your name and email address to gain access to the book. I have a copy of this book on my bookshelf and on Kindle. If you were to have only one book on presentations this would be it.

Nancy Duarte uncovers the common structure of greatest communicators

If you don’t have time to read the book Resonate – Duarte’s TED talk will provide a great summary of the key elements of the book.

The transformative power of classical music | Benjamin Zander
One of the amazing presentations highlighted in Resonate

Digital Storytelling Cookbook
This is an older, but still relevant, abridged version of the Digital Storytelling Cookbook. A most recent full version can be purchased from the Story Center at

My first Digital Storytelling result:
Not Suited for School But Suited for Learning

Presentation Considerations:

How to avoid Death By PowerPoint | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholmSalon

Nancy Duarte: How to Create Better Visual Presentations

Five Simple Rules for Creating World-Changing Presentations

Every Presentation Ever: Communication FAIL

The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm

REMEMBER – Change Takes Time & Multiple Sources of Influence

Why TED Talks don’t change people’s behaviors: Tom Asacker at TEDxCambridge

If you are going to create a slide presentation or video for your digital story then consider the following resources and tools:

Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 6: To Script or Not To Script…
Dwayne’s DIY Video Setup – Part 5 Audio & Lighting Update

Words Per Minutes Guidelines

Best Video Editing Software for Mac – 2021 Review!

Best Video Editing Software for Windows PC – 2021 Review!

Free Music Archive

Reflection on the Importance of Learning

The revolution of self-directed learning | Sean Bengry

Josh Kaufman | 20 Hours to Learn Anything

Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5 Hour Rule

Our work doesn’t have to be obtuse to be important

Why Learners Should Blog

Experts connect dots not just collect dots

Revised August 2021