Archives For drupal

Thanks go out to Dana Ouellette for sharing this objective review of the three top CMS platforms. I think following concluding statements from foliovision confirm what other sites and personal experience reveal regarding:


For a very large commercial project, I can see a justification for choosing Drupal. On a big project, most of your expense will be custom development anyway – everything has to be optimised and integrated – so you don’t much care one way or another about a myriad of plugins which you will probably not use.


WordPress is the platform of choice in my opinion for the small, medium or large business. Whatever holes you can find in WordPress (editorial management process, page management, ecommerce, membership site) are easily solved with high quality plugins.

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I have to thank Andrew Sterne for sending me this link to a excellent comparison info graphic. I think you will be able to better make a decision now regarding WordPress over Drupal. I was really shocked at how large the WordPress community is and how many sites are using the platform.

The data is indicating that WordPress is the most used and most user friendly CMS platform.

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