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For the full story go to the Visual Capitalist

In this Open College podcast, the philosopher Steven HIcks asks:

We say we want children to grow to be self-reliant, creative problem-solving adults. But in schooling kids, do we follow through on that? Do schools teach independence of mind and action or do students learn compliance? Do students learn that life is about solving new problems or are they instructed that authorities have the answers? Do students learn experimentalism and that success typically comes after much failure or do they learn that failure is a source of shame? Does our education system stunt kid’s potential?

Fastest Growing Jobs


Source –

Viewing the infographic is worth the time but if you just here is the list if just want to know what they are without having to go any further:

  1. Software Publishing – Companies involved in software publishing activities such as designing, installing, and providing post-purchase support.
  2. Information Services – Companies that supply, retrieve, search for or publish information.
  3. Oil and gas extraction – Companies involved in the preparation of oil & gas up to the point of shipment from the producing property.
  4. Computer system design – Companies that primarily provide IT expertise.
  5. Outpatient care centers – Facilities where the patient is not required to stay overnight.