Archives For GenY

An interview with Nate Chai, senior director of Design Consulting at Allen Communication, a firm that specializes in training & design, curriculum development and learning technologies reveals that it you wish to engage millennials your instructional focus must take into account their learning preferences. Millennials were born between 1981 and 1999, are the largest, most educated, and most diverse generation since the Baby Boomers. Chai suggest that the instructional focus that will benefit and engage millennials the best will also benefit all learners. The instructional focus should include:

  • Mobile Learning – the problem of information has been solved with all the time everywhere access.
  • Gamification – this isn’t just about having fun this is really about scenarios, solutions and problem solving in a collaborative environment.
  • Video-based Learning – videos offer immediate and just in time solutions to many problems.
Despite living in an always on media rich world, millennials are very pragmatic and just want to maximize their time and their work-life balance. Technology should be used to enrich and enhance the learning environment through useful and engaging activities not through gimmicks

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