Archives For grading

Math professor Robert Talbert decided to go as paperless as possible because:

  • Paper-based student work is cumbersome.
  • Paper-based student work is expensive.
  • Digital student work saves time.
  • The tools available today to work with electronic documents are better and cheaper than ever.

Talbert provides a very good explanation of how he digitally grades two Calculus and one Communicating in Mathematics courses. While he uses some methods and software tools that could easily be replaced with simpler solutions the fact that he is exploring this option is exciting. I have been working almost exclusively digitally for several years now and once you start there is not turning back.

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This is more of a marking guide than it is a rubric but the author does touch on key issues that need to be addressed. With a proliferation of blogs being used for reflective writing, discussion and journaling at ACU and other campus the discussion over how to grade/mark blog posts and blogs in general is very relevant.

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