Archives For great

Rosalinde Torres shares the result of 25 years of observing truly great leaders at work that are summed up in the following three simple but crucial questions:

  1. Where are you looking to anticipate the next change to your business model or life?
    Answer – The answer to this question is in your calendar – who are spending time with, what are you doing, what are your reading/learning. Great leaders are collaborating and looking around corners.
  2. What is the diversity measure of your network?
    Answer – Consider your capacity to develop relationships with people who are different than you. Having a diverse network is a source of pattern recognition and of potential solutions.
  3. Are you courageous enough to abandon the past?
    Answer – Going along to get along leads to failure. Great leaders dare to be different and don’t just talk about risk-taking they do it. People who will join you are usually different from your traditional network.

Torres states that the great leaders of the 21st Century are:

those women & men who are NOT preparing themselves for the comfortable predictability of yesterday but are preparing for the realities of today and all the unknown possibilities of tomorrow.