Archives For individualized

Additional ideas on personalized learningeedback & feedforward:
Personalized learning and the new Behaviorism
Individualized Instruction vs Personalized Learning
How to cut through the hype of educational promises

David Warlick offers the following table as a summary of the comparison of individualized instruction vs personalized learning. Perhaps the most important factor to note is that with individualized instruction education is done to the student and with personalized learning education happens as a result of what the learner does. When we consider that a major factor in effective learning is an individual’s ability to make meaningful connections, personalized learning is the approach that promises to provide the best outcomes.

Don’t let the notion of individualization in the name fool you into believing that this a learner centered approach. Despite the name it is still a teacher and authority centric approach that emphasizes the regurgitation of information to be assessed through standardized measures

Consider the following table:
individual vs personalized learning

Source: 2¢ Worth