Archives For laptop

While I would not have ranked these in the same order the following 10 reasons will point tablets overtaking laptops in the next year:

  1. Power consumption
  2. Viruses (lack of)
  3. Portability
  4. Cost effectiveness
  5. Online connection
  6. Available applications (especially on the iPad)
  7. User friendliness (my number 2 ranking)
  8. Bluetooth connectivity (my number 1 ranking)
  9. Efficiency
  10. Social integration

Laptops will still serve the purpose primarily as input devices at least until the tablets mature to the point were they do this better as well.

    This was posted on the Abilene, Kansas High School Dialogue Buzz website (and was reposted by Rae Niles on her blog). It was an anonymous post, but VERY powerful. Feel free to share this with educators, parents and stakeholders about 1:1 and the power of the seamless use of technology. It seems to sum it all up!!

    Let’s have a little competition at school and get ready for the future. I will use a laptop and you will use paper and pencil. Are you ready…?

    • I will access up-to-date information – you have a textbook that is 5 years old.
    • I will immediately know when I misspell a word – you have to wait until it’s graded.
    • I will learn how to care for technology by using it – you will read about it.
    • I will see math problems in 3D – you will do the odd problems.
    • I will create artwork and poetry and share it with the world – you will share yours with the class.
    • I will have 24/7 access – you have the entire class period.
    • I will access the most dynamic information – yours will be printed and photocopied.
    • I will communicate with leaders and experts using email – you will wait for Friday’s speaker.
    • I will select my learning style – you will use the teacher’s favorite learning style.
    • I will collaborate with my peers from around the world – you will collaborate with peers in your classroom.
    • I will take my learning as far as I want – you must wait for the rest of the class.

    The cost of a laptop per year? – $250
    The cost of teacher and student training? – Expensive
    The cost of well educated US [Canadian] citizens and workforce? – Priceless

    Jason Hiner’s Tech Republic Tech Sanity Check blog Netbooks are dead. Long live the notebook addresses the evolution of Netbooks from tiny underpowered 7″ screened mini laptops with impossible keyboards to their current iterations as 10-11″ screen laptops with full sized keyboards and enough power to be useful. Hiner does clarify that with the introduction of CULV (consumer ultra-low voltage) chips we should be seeing even more functional mini laptops with full sized keyboard.

    Having purchased many Netbooks (including a 7″, 9″ & 10″ ASUS Eee and an ACER 9″ & 10″) over the past few years I am looking forward to what I see is the laptops evolution. My current Netbook is the HP Mini 1000 and its 95% full size keyboard fits my full sized hands.

    Read the full article…