Archives For mangement

With so much to do and with so little time finding something that can help you save a few minutes in every day is extremely valuable. Therefore, I am forever in pursuit the the right app, web-app or piece of software that will make me moire efficient. is a web-based service that simply enables you to record your meeting minutes, assign tasks/outcomes and then send those task out to meeting participants in an email. The meeting minutes can also be shared through a secret URL.

While these features are enough to entice me to use the service it is the coming or advance features that should make the service even more effective. Being able to send out a custom email with grouped ToDo is one feature that I am looking forward to but I am really looking forward to the integration of this service with my project management tools. If will allow me to push my ToDos to Evernote, Things or Getitdone then this service will be even more valuable and could save me even more time. I will be watching this closely….