Archives For MEIBL

Abilene Christian University’s (ACU) mobile-enhanced inquiry-based learning (MEIBL) is a blended learning strategy which creates an active and engaging learning environment, producing increased student engagement, maintenance of academic performance and improvements in student persistence and course completion. MEIBL addresses the greatest barriers for inquiry-based learning, minimizing time requirements of providing differentiated instruction and providing the fundamental guidance necessary for the inquiry process. Time saved on information transfer through MEIBL strategies enable faculty to mentor learners to engage course content at a deeper level.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the MEIBL initiative is that it can be replicated or extended to almost any learning environment. While Delmar College (DMC) in the southern Texas, and California University (UCal) of Pennsylvania are the first two formal partners in the ACU MEIBL research project the program principles found on the MEIBL site can easily be extended to any other post secondary institutions.