Archives For netbook

Time will tell if Forester Research forecast is accurate but there is no denying that the iPad and other tablet like devices are making a significant impact on traditional computing.

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Jason Hiner’s Tech Republic Tech Sanity Check blog Netbooks are dead. Long live the notebook addresses the evolution of Netbooks from tiny underpowered 7″ screened mini laptops with impossible keyboards to their current iterations as 10-11″ screen laptops with full sized keyboards and enough power to be useful. Hiner does clarify that with the introduction of CULV (consumer ultra-low voltage) chips we should be seeing even more functional mini laptops with full sized keyboard.

Having purchased many Netbooks (including a 7″, 9″ & 10″ ASUS Eee and an ACER 9″ & 10″) over the past few years I am looking forward to what I see is the laptops evolution. My current Netbook is the HP Mini 1000 and its 95% full size keyboard fits my full sized hands.

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