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“One of the ingredients in Shopify’s success has been to completely ignore academic credentials in hiring.” — Tobi Lutke

In an Ottawa Citizen story, Shopify’s CEO Tobi Lütke also states “The company values people who have built something of their own, volunteered their time and pursued new learning opportunities. Shopify isn’t the only company that is looking beyond a degree credential to see what people are able to actually do. According to a CNBC Careers article Apple, Google, IBM, Ernst & Young and many other top teir companies hire people who don’t have a four-year degree.

The ability to create or build something of their own, to contribute to a hand’s on project, to undertake innovative opportunities, or to volunteer one’s time toward a bigger purpose are some of the most important traits that employers are looking for in the new digital world. Why? If you are able to create, build, innovate on your own then you are able to show that you have the drive to learn on your own and make a difference. The ever changing nature of our digital future demands this level of self-directed learning and adaptation.

One of the best ways to students to learn how to become digital innovators who are future ready is an signifanct learning environment in which they are given choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.