Archives For ship

Why Wait to Ship?

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 14, 2020 — Leave a comment

I just finished listening to Seth Godin’s latest book Practice: Shipping Creative Work for the second time and I realized that this book was for me and about me. Godin argues that the path forward requires curiosity, generosity, and connection. He has helped me to realize that I have been on this path forward for a long time. Consider the following:

Curiosity – I have been exploring how to enhance the learning environment for over 30 years and curiosity or as I like to refer to this as inquisitivsm has been the starting point of a larger body of work:
Development and Evaluation of Inquisitivism as a Foundational Approach for Web-Based Instruction
Benefits of Life Long Authentic Learning Opportunities
Power of the Continual Practice of Authentic Learning
Do You Care Enough to Let Them Take Ownership of Their Learning?
What are you learning today?

Generosity – I have been working at changing or improving the world one learner at a time and this blog/website, my work on CSLE+COVA, the COVA eBook, and now the Learner’s Mindset are just a few examples of giving it all away with hopes of improving the world.
More examples of generosity:
Want To Change the World – Tell a Good Story
Never Been a Better Time to Be a Learner
Mapping Your Learner’s Journey
Why Authentic Learning Converts Into Lifelong Learning
Changing the world, one learner at a time

Connecting – As a constructivist the making of meaningful connections is at the heart of how I view learning. Making connections is what an autodidact does and I have been comparing the difference between Connecting the Dots Vs Collecting the Dots personally and professionally.
More connections:
We Need More Autodidacts
Why do so many prefer passive learning?
The Human Mind is a Story Processor, Not a Logic Processor
Chance Favors the Connected Mind

I have been trying to change/improve the world, one learner at a time and I see that my life’s work has been leading up to this time. I am a learning theorist and my practice involves helping people learn how to learn…this is what I do and have always done.

There is only one missing piece. I can no longer wait until I get my ideas just right, or complete that final detail that 99% of most people would miss or not even care about. As Seth Godin suggests: If it doesn’t ship it doesn’t matter. I now need to ship.