Archives For snow

The phrase “snow day” is lost to most Canadians who have grown up in places like Northern Alberta and who have lived through countless snowfalls and blizzards.  Waking up to 6-8-12 or more inches of snow to the average Albertan means they will need to leave a bit more time to shovel the snow before they leave for work or school. In Abilene Texas a couple of inches of snow or more is enough to shut down the entire city and this means most schools and universities are closed. So a “snow day” in Abilene means most students will get the day off from classes. So what does a Texas blizzard look like that is ferocious enough to shut down schools.

To be fair I have also taken a close up (see below) which reveals that there may be as much as 3-4 inches of snow on the ground. Because it is just below freezing by just a degree or two it is very slushy and this is what scares most people. Furthermore, if the temperature drops even more this slush will freeze and the city may have to issue a state of emergency. OK I am kidding about the state of emergency but if you listen to the News shows they can make you believe that conditions are very bad.