Archives For student perceptions

The 21st-Century Campus Report: Campus 2.0 by CDW-G reveals that high school students expect a high degree of technology in the College classrooms they hope to attend. The key findings by CDW-G reveal:

  • Higher education faculty and IT staff value technology as an essential tool for student success
  • Institutions are incorporating newer technology tools that are connecting and resonating with students, who grew up using technology. This technology empowers students and faculty to personalize and expand the learning experience
  • Institutions say that defining – and supporting – the new learning environment is a challenge. Many IT professionals report that their IT infrastructure needs to be updated to ensure future success
  • Incoming college students have even higher expectations for technology than today’s college students

While there appears to be a gap between high school student’s expectations and what colleges are able to deliver this is an even more significant gab between what college IT staffs are able to deliver and what faculty expect. Perhaps the most sobering aspect of the report is that the classroom is still viewed as the primary location of learning and learning outside of the classroom is viewed as access to online learning tools.

Read the full report…