Archives For trial and error

Edith Ackermann's Pedagogical Perspective on Tinkering & Making from The Tinkering Studio on Vimeo.

count how many times these business leaders tried before succeeded

Source: Catherine Clifford staff writer at

Levi and Caleb are working on their backflips and 360’s. Here are some of the results:

A few crashes to chuckle over. They guys are OK so feel free to laugh

Patrick Gray offers this driving principle for the New Year:

Reward success, celebrate failure, and punish inaction.

From learning theory perspective error and error correction (failure) is integral to learning and yet for the most part our learning and business environments punish failure or at least penalize it enough that many people become paralyzed by the fear or anxiety that thought of failure may bring.

Perhaps the easiest way to deal with this challenge is to make everything an experiment. We all know that failure is part of experiments so if we start out with accepting the fact that something could go wrong then it is OK to fail and the potential for innovation and learning can flourish.