Poll: Will BlackBerry 6 catch up to iPhone and Android?

Dwayne Harapnuik —  July 29, 2010 — Leave a comment

In the Tech Sanity Check article/poll Jason Hiner askes if Blackberry OS6 will keep up with iPhone and Android. When I took the poll the nays have it by a significant share. Hiner points out that many Blackberry users are dumping their phones in 2010 for either an iPhone or Android. Those who want the voice capability migrate toward the Android and those who want to much more move toward the iPhone. I dumped my Blackberry for an iPhone over two years ago so you can guess how I voted. I suspect that we are seeing the impact of the disruptive innovation of the iPhone and now Android movement. Time will tell if Blackberry makes it.

Take the poll and read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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