Stratford Institute – Canada’s First Digital Media Think Tank

Dwayne Harapnuik —  August 16, 2010 — Leave a comment

University of Waterloo’s Stratford Institute is a think-tank, integrator and training institute devoted to collaboration between digital media, international commerce and culture. When the institute opens the are plans to have 20 students enrolled in a master’s program in business, entrepreneurship, and technology with hopes that the number will increase to 2000 within 10 years. Ian Wilson the director of this new institute boldly points Canadian universities lack of ability to graduate students prepared for a digital economy with the following statement:

A few recognize it. But many of the students are doing it themselves. They are far more adept at using this technology than most faculty are. I’ve been known to criticize governments for … working in narrow, subject-based silos. They don’t exchange information with each other. Then I come to one of Canada’s high-tech universities, and it is as siloed as government ever is, and the communication across the disciplines is not there.

While it is good to see a university in my home country finally responding re-actively to the need for preparing students for a digital world it is even better to acknowledge the work that has been going on at ACU for the past several years and the development of the Digital Media Center and its evolution into the AT&T Learning Studio. These types of articles and press releases confirm ACU’s proactive vision and leadership in the digital and mobile learning.

Read the full article…
Read the University of Waterloo Press release…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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