University Website Design

Dwayne Harapnuik —  October 21, 2010 — 1 Comment

The Inside Higher Education article No Laughing Matter discusses the Randall Monroe cartoon University Website which points to the unfortunate reality that much of what is on the first page of a University website isn’t what most people are looking for.

I think I will let this picture/cartoon do the talking…

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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One response to University Website Design

  1. I found this post to be extremely interesting! This is something that I have actually been frustrated with myself (even on my own undergraduate alma mater’s website ( Since I have graduated they have made some major adjustments due to student complaints. This is a very though provoking blog for many reasons: 1) It makes me think about all of the things that we struggle with each day, yet choose not to fix. 2) It makes me think about the true purpose of many of technological tools and why organizations become complacent with their products. I suppose this ultimately allows entrants to infiltrate the market with their disruptive innovations. Thanks for the post!

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