10 things to look for in a tablet computer

Dwayne Harapnuik —  November 3, 2010 — Leave a comment

It shouldn’t be a surprise that Apple’s iPad has become the new standard in what a tablet computer should be. Right now there are very few other options. The Tech Republic article by Debra Littlejohn Shinder lists the 10 key things that a user should look for when purchasing a tablet. The list includes:

  • Size
  • Storage
  • Battery Life
  • 3G or WiFi Only
  • Open or Closed (OS)
  • Input
  • Price
  • Camera
  • Apps
  • Compatibility

Due partially to the lack of competition in this space the iPad satisfies all but the Camera requirement. The iPad is the clear winner when it comes to apps and if history is any indicator the OS with the most Apps generally wins. The past 15 years of Windows domination is clear example of this fact. Perhaps when the Windows and Android tablets start hitting the market in 2011 Apple will introduce their upgraded iPad that will address the lack of camera. Competition is good for Apple’s iPad and the more of it there is the better.

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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