How Micro-blogging and Social Networking Are Replacing Blogging

Dwayne Harapnuik —  November 8, 2010 — Leave a comment

Technorati’s annual state of the Blogosphere points to some significant trends. The most significant is that the corporate world has recognized the impact of Blogs and are now focusing a great deal of effort in this space. The hobbyist blogger is no longer posting as much as they had in the past choosing to spend more time with family or use micro-blogging and social networking instead.

Is the move by the leading edge hobbyist toward twitter and social networking surprising? Of course not, nor is the fact that the corporate world is embracing a technology just when the leader edgers are moving onto the next big thing.

This is a phenomenal report filled with easy to follow charts and lots of valuable information and is a must see.

View full report…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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