Gartner’s Top 10 Technologies for 2011

Dwayne Harapnuik —  November 18, 2010 — 1 Comment

The prediction for next year are coming out earlier and earlier. Gartner offers the following top 10 technologies for 2011:

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Mobile apps and media tablets
  3. Next-gen analytics
  4. Next-gen analytics
  5. Social communication and collaboration
  6. Video
  7. Context-aware computing
  8. Ubiquitous computing
  9. Storage class memory
  10. Fabric based infrastructure and computers

No surprise about the cloud and mobility–can’t have on without the other. About the only surprise in the lot is the Fabric based infrastructure and computers. The fabric idea really doen’t refer to clothing or material but rather an infrastructure that manages resources in an integrated fashion.  In plain english this means you will build servers by purchasing pools of processors and memory instead of physically swapping boxes.

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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  1. Google Chrome Overtakes IE as top Browser–Moving Toward the Cloud in the Post-PC Era - May 22, 2012

    […] really shouldn’t be surprised by the impact of the cloud. The Gartner Group, in their Top 10 Technologies for 2011 and the New Media Consortium in the Horizon Reports have been predicting this for several […]

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