Gartner Group IT Predictions

Dwayne Harapnuik —  December 2, 2010 — Leave a comment

Tis the season of prognostication and the folks from the Gartner Group have offered the following list of prediction for IT over the next 5 years. Since IT plays such a significant role in Education or any sort of organization for that matter, these predictions will impact all of us.

These wording in each of these predictions is quoted directly from Gartner.

  1. By 2015, a G20 nation’s critical infrastructure will be disrupted and damaged by online sabotage.
  2. By 2015, new revenue generated each year by IT will determine the annual compensation of most new Global 2000 CIOs.
  3. By 2015, information-smart businesses will increase recognized IT spending per head by 60 percent.
  4. By 2015, tools and automation will eliminate 25 percent of labor hours associated with IT services.
  5. By 2015, 20 percent of non-IT Global 500 companies will be cloud service providers.
  6. By 2014, 90 percent of organizations will support corporate applications on personal devices.
  7. By 2013, 80 percent of businesses will support a workforce using tablets.
  8. By 2015, 10 percent of your online “friends” will be nonhuman.

Read the full Gatner summary…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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