Twitter Updates for 2011-03-01

Dwayne Harapnuik —  March 1, 2011 — Leave a comment
  • Preaching to the choir at ACU Connected Summit – Lots of great music! #acuconnected #
  • #ACUConnected Karen Cator Keynote – the time is NOW. Mobility is the catalyst 24/7 access #
  • #ACUconnected NOW – Mobility Social Interactions Digital Content Online to Blended all the factors add up. Move from Print to Digital #
  • #ACUconnected 21st century expertise, how people learn, personalized learning, Universal Design for Learning, Informatl + Formal #
  • #acuconnected Digital literacy is key to leveraging powerful learning environments – how do we build more productive systems of education #
  • #acuconnected Move from Print to Digital – need leaders like ACU but also need followers to do the implementation #

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Dwayne Harapnuik

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