Interview with Sir Ken Robinson

Dwayne Harapnuik —  July 6, 2011 — 4 Comments

We need to be continually reminded of the importance of creativity and there is no better authority on the subject than Sir Ken Robinson. This interview conducted by Michael Hyatt is another good reminder of how important it is that we reform our systems to support and promote creativity.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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4 responses to Interview with Sir Ken Robinson

  1. Dr. Harapnuik,

    Great video…I am very intrigued and challenged by Robinson’s ideas about creativity. I especially liked when he stated that one of the big role’s of a leader is “climate control”; the fact that a leader should cultivate a “culture where everyone has great ideas.”

    I’m sitting here now thinking of how I can change the culture of my high school English classroom this fall…there’s so much room for creativity in it!

    Again…thanks…looking forward to learning with you throughout this course…


  2. Dwayne Harapnuik July 8, 2011 at 9:51 pm

    I am glad that you enjoy Robinson’s videos and his work and are passing on his perspective to your colleagues. His book “Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative” which has just been updated and re-released is an excellent read and fully develops his position.

  3. Dr. Harapnuik,

    First of all, best wishes in your relocation from Texas to Canada! How do you boys feel about the move?

    Thank you for the excellent information you provide on your blog. I have been wanting to read Outliers. The videos by Sir Ken Robinson challenged my thinking. I am especially challenged by his comparison of the school to the fast food mentality and the nourishment( or lack thereof) they provide. His comparison can be broadened to include society as a whole. I believe our society is addicted to the “quick fix”(Friedman, 2007) mentality. Society wants instant gratification and education is no exception.

    Thank you for introducing me to Sir Ken Robinson. I have already shared his video with my friends who are educators.

    • Dwayne Harapnuik July 12, 2011 at 11:40 am

      There are some days my family is excited by the move and others when they are not. We will make the most of it. Thanks for the kind words. With respect to the “quick fix” mentality I agree that our society has a problem. Hopefully we can impact those around us in a positive way.

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