An ex-Googler’s view on Google vs. Facebook

Dwayne Harapnuik —  July 19, 2011 — Leave a comment

I find it very interesting to read about a disruptive innovation like Facebook which has now become the market leader who is being challenged by Google. The social networking platform Google+ features circles which allows people to organize their connections according to different purposes or needs. You can have close friends, acquaintances, work groups and so on in unique or interconnected circles.

Dhanji R. Prasanna makes the argument that Facebook will not be able to change its core functionality to meet the challenge of circles. With 10 million users in a couple of weeks Google+ has a long way to go to challenge Facebook’s 750,000 users but if any company can challenge Facebook it is Google.

Read the full article…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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