Structured Homeschooling Gets an A+

Dwayne Harapnuik —  September 10, 2011 — 1 Comment

Sandra Martin-Chang, professor in the Concordia (Montreal) Department of Education, research published in Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, reveals:

Although public school children we assessed were performing at or above expected levels for their ages, children who received structured homeschooling had superior test results compared to their peers: from a half-grade advantage in math to 2.2 grade levels in reading.

The investigation compared 74 children living in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: 37 who were homeschooled versus 37 who attended public schools.

Read the full report…

Dwayne Harapnuik

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  1. Americans Warned: Home Schoolers Stripped of Rights - Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Conservatives, Liberals, Third Parties, Left-Wing, Right-Wing, Congress, President - Page 33 - City-Data Forum - May 13, 2013

    […] in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: 37 who were homeschooled versus 37 who attended public schools.Structured Homeschooling Gets an A+ | It's About Learning Hardly a definitive study, and one with limited applicability to students being educated in the […]

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