Best Note-taking Apps for the iPad

Dwayne Harapnuik —  October 31, 2011 — 1 Comment

I have been using the iPad since it was first released and in that time I have seen the use of iPads grow to the point where there is so much valuable information out in the blogeshpere that one no longer has to be an expert on all things. Case in point–what note taking application is the best for the iPad? I have used almost all the apps listed in this ProfHacker post and agree with their ranking. In addition I hadn’t yet used UPAD, primarily because it is more than 99 cents and I have already spent more than than on iAnnotate PDF, so I was pleased to find that someone else has explored the app and reported back on its functionality. UPAD is going to be my next app that I spend some money on and I can move forward with this small purchase knowing just how functional the app really is.

This is perhaps one of the most significant reasons why the iPad is the market leader and will be so for many years to come. There are so many people using the devices in so many different ways that one no longer needs to be on the bleeding edge to really benefit from using the device. I have been following ProHacker from their inception and have even contributed with a guest post and it is clear from this blog that most of my colleagues in higher education are using the iPad as well. For the new or novice user knowing that there is a whole community out their willing to share their experiences is a wonderful assurance that they are not alone. For the intermediate to advanced user is exciting to rely on a vibrant community that shares the passion that effective technology is the technology that enables us and our students to focus on the learning–which is really why we are all in this profession.

Dwayne Harapnuik

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