Concordia Mid-Day Break Survey Results

Dwayne Harapnuik —  January 30, 2012 — 2 Comments

Survey Results are based on the following responses as of January 27, 2012:

Students – 321
Faculty – 31
Staff – 12

Dwayne Harapnuik

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2 responses to Concordia Mid-Day Break Survey Results

  1. I agree that it would be best to go with the closest percentage for students, faculty, and staff. However, it’s important to understand that a change to a one-hour break would not just free up time for eating and walking. The one-hour lunch break would provide a good opportunity for student clubs to have luncheon meetings during the day, rather than trying to schedule meetings in between everyones’ varied schedules. In addition, faculty could schedule departmental or division meetings during this time and, during an hour’s break, staff would be able to organize and participate in professional development opportunties, go to the fitness room for a 30 minute workout, or go off campus for lunch.

    Concordia is on the right track to ask students about their preferences in order to design a rich student life program. I believe we already provide students with an excellent education; we need to move forward to provide our students with the most rewarding university experience possible.

  2. I think it is important to go with what is the closest in percentage amongst faculty, staff, and students…not what the majority of what students want. We are not a large institution, it does not take 10 minutes to walk from one side of the campus to the other. Even walking from Ada Blvd to the gym takes 5 minutes. I think the students need to take ownership for their education and stop having everything catered to them.
    As for lunch hour, it’s not elementary school. Students that can plan out their day properly can make time for eating. Whats next…recess?? Students are not in class from 8-430 every day. You are there for class and to get an education, as well as prepare people for the real world. You don’t get a 1 hour break in most professional capacities. We currently have a half hour break for chapel, but most students (from experience) use that time to eat lunch if they are busy the rest of the day with classes/work.
    I think more thought and research needs to be put into this. 321 students of 1600(?) students is not a very large percentage of the student body.

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